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AstraZeneca vaccine

Went to my doctor today for a pit stop appointment, nothing very important. Had a chat about the COVID vaccines and I have definitely decided to wait for Pfizer. It might be November, but the issues with the AZ vaccine are piling up, and after talking to the doc it seems some of the complications with it aren't being fully advised. I understand that it's not always possible to causally link complications after someone has had the AZ vacinne, but there are concerns. Let's just say he didn't strongly encourage me not to wait for the Pfizer. Anybody else in the same boat, or will you take whatever you can get, or are you anti vaccers? Just wondering.

David1955 8 June 1
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I rang up my doctor about having a shot, however was told that the government only gives them a few doses and they have to give it to the more vulnerable. Rang the state (ACT) line for a shot and was told that I have to wait as I do not work or have any underlined problems. Very confusing as Scott Morrison is saying that anyone over 50 should go and get themselves vaccinated. I suspect he is lying as usual.

Jolanta Level 9 June 2, 2021

Will be going for the Pfizer one. i know my luck I would be the one or two percent that get a nasty blood clot.

Budgie Level 8 June 1, 2021

@David1955 If you were that unlucky you'd already be dead. sheesh

@MsDemeanour I was born with a knee condition that affects 1 in 125 000 000 females. I have spent my life with pain, therapies that would not help the condition, unable to do the things my peers did, ridicule when I fell over walking on flat ground (teenagers are ruthless), weeks on crutches while the swelling in my knee went down, surgery, more surgery, more therapies, useless doctors telling me 4 different diagnosis, knee replacements on both knees then finally because of things found when they cut the bone to do the replacements a diagnosis. Please note I had this in both knees. So I have already drawn a short straw for a condition I don't need to draw another one if I can avoid it.


I’ve had both shots of Astra Zeneca and no side effects after either one. How many million AZ doses have been given and how many suspected links to blood clots have there been? the maths and take the first vaccine offered is my advice. The advantages of being fully vaccinated vastly outweigh any risks associated with any of the vaccines.

I am in the fortunate position that the State I am living in has had absolutely zero cases of community spread. We faced some restriction but never had to go into the full lock down that other places went into. The only reason we are getting it is to make sure that if the cases in other states spread we don't end up with mass deaths as we have a very small hospital in the capital of our state (territory actually) So I can wait to get my preferred option. If covid was running rampant through our community and I had to go to work with a massive risk of catching it then I would be taking what ever I could get but we are not in that position and so I can weigh risks and choose.


Well, I had my first of the 2 necessary shots of the Astra-Zeneca vaccine at approx. 0915 hrs this morning, no side effects, no light-headedness, no nausea, etc, etc, even my upper right arm where the injection was given has no residual tenderness or any other such problems.
I'll be for No_2 on the 10th. of August.

Triphid Level 9 June 1, 2021

@David1955 In the words of a very wise person, " The only thing we need to Fear is our own Stupidity."
In other words, and my opinion, Let the Stupid do as the Stupid will always do, Let wise and Intelligent do what they know is right for themselves and everyone around them.


Same boat David. However I know two women who have had the Astra first shot. One in the UK had bad reaction for 3 days with flu like symptoms but I think is now ok. Her husband is a Trumper & anti vax. The other local woman has had absolutely no reaction. She's 69 or 70 & wants to get overseas to see her daughter & sister again.
I was disturbed by the 60% effective vs. 80% with Pfizer. but was working on the basis that I'd be able to have a Pfizer 6 months after the 2nd Astra shot. I just looked up bookings & can't get one locally till the 10th. If this lockdown lifts I won't be in town on the tenth so don't know when I would be able to get one!

FrayedBear Level 9 June 1, 2021

The Astra 60% effective is only after the first vax. When you take the second, up to 12 wks later, effectiveness increases over 80%.

@MsDemeanour, @David1955 And six months after the second you need to start the process again.

@David1955 Nah, you've simply been indoctrinated with the xtian concept of good and bad. What you need to reframe experiences into are not good & bad but educational & not learning experiences. As you know some lessons are painful some pleasureable.

@FrayedBear Utter and totally Unadulterated BULLSHIT there @FrayedBear.

@MsDemeanour Actually and according to the research and medical pamphlet that I was reading yesterday Astra Zenica Dose 1 is between 75 and 83 % effective with the ORIGINAL Covid Strain, between 83 and 98% effective AFTER the second vaccination.
A-Z also shows more and better reactions to the newer variants of Covid than does the Pfizer or the Russian Sputnik 5.
All this info I got from the latest issue of the Lancet and the Lamp, the Lancet is a Medical Journal published for those in the Medical Arenas, the Lamp is published for Nurses btw.

@MsDemeanour, @David1955 Jeez Louise, when is FrayedBear ACTUALLY going to get a life, A REAL Life, and stop issuing his tiresome drivel?

@Triphid I'm no expert but I gotta say The Lancet trumps Frayed Bear every time. Sources FB....Sources!

@MsDemeanour as Triffid choose to stop me viewing what he writes and you do not link to what the Lancet says you are warbling in your own orifice.

@FrayedBear FrayedBear, I blocked you simply because I thought it may just relieve me of having to view your tiresome, tedious, often, imo, brain-deficient looking DRIVELS.
Sadly and most regrettably though, somehow, like a very annoying relative, which I have a few of btw, you keep on keeping on no matter what, but I still hold out hope that there will be a permanent cure for that problem discovered soon.
I'd publish excerpts from both the Lancet and the Lamp BUT imo, they be wasted completely upon you since they are written in words containing a lot more than the mere 1-2 syllables that, imo, you are capable of comprehending.

@FrayedBear, @MsDemeanour Btw, both the Lancet and the Lamp are usually available at most Public Libraries by request at the Desk.

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