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A bit disrespectful (sorry Wayne and Garth)

powder 8 June 26
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Who are the women?

FrayedBear Level 9 June 26, 2021

Hey, Anastacia ( I think thats how it is spelled) has DONE her best to TRY to keep the count down in Queensland.
How do you reckon your beloved Queensland would have handled things IF C-19 had broken out during the Joh Bjelke-Petersen eras?

Triphid Level 9 June 26, 2021

@powder Without the closing of International Borders and State Borders when there are breakouts in the larger populated areas, which btw, is how most Infective agents spread so quickly, i.e. the closer packed the population the faster the spread, that's MEDICAL Logic btw, OUR Infection rates and subsequent Death Tolls would have been much, much higher, or is that far too technical for you to comprehend perhaps?
Out here in Broken Hill, we are all very fortunate, so far, that we are ISOLATED by distance, to some extent, from the high population areas of the coasts around the nation.
Yes, it has, so far, kept us safe but for how much longer given the regular in-flux of Tourists from Victoria, Queensland and Crow-Eater country (.S.A.) no-one knows for certain.
In my honest opinion, this "Garth" did NOT give El Presidente permission to attend the Olympics in Nippon-land, he gives himself all the permissions he needs, after all, he sees himself, imo, as the God-given Emperor of Australia does he not?

@powder The original, NOTE Original, outbreaks arose BEFORE Quarantine Rules were instigated, hence the outbreak was already well and TRULY underway or is that also a bit beyond your capacity for comprehension as well?
Yes, there have been lapses in the Quarantine Rules, etc, BUT they are DUE not to the Governments but to THOSE whom were CNTRACTED to oversee the operations of the Quarantine Facilities, I>E> the PRIVATE Contractors and the Army in some cases, fyi.
When there IS an Epidemic/Pandemic, since this C-19 is the FIRST ever PANDEMIC btw, NORMAL practice is to ISOLATE the infected/affected at the nearest available and securable FACILITIES as possible SINCE transporting them to more distant locales INCREASES the risks of spreading the infection further at an exponential rate.
Surely, even one such as yourself can REALISE that?
Yes, am fully aware of the Gender of the QLD Premier just as I am aware that Emperor El ScumMo has also 'granted' himself exemption to attend the Olympics Opening in Nippon-land as well.

@powder As do I as well btw.
ALL Isolation Rules/Regulations NEED to take into account, imo, the NEEDS, etc, for Access to Medical Facilities as per requirements and necessities PLUS the fastest, closest and BEST available Treatments needed and the distances, etc, needed to be travelled whether in Emergencies or for Regular and necessary Treatments, etc.
Since Australia was turned from a group of very separate States to a Federation of States in the early 20th Century I tend to think that there was little or no forethought, planning, etc, etc, involved whilst doing so and absolutely NO-ONE at that time could have even had the slightest inkling of a pandemic as we are experiencing today.
Yes, under Federation the States are viewed as Separate Entities and most unfortunately imo, since that does NOTHING to actually UNITE the Populace as being Australian Peoples one and all.
we need to RWALKISE that we ARE ONE People, living in ONE Country and we should act and behave as One Peoples not a mass of squabbling toddlers arguing over a few little toys in a playground.
Imo, IF we do not soon wake up to ourselves we WILL soon begin the swift slide down the road to where the U.S. is today.

@powder Humans Rape and Pillage the Natural world where ever they go, not just here in Australia in case you haven't notice that GLARING fact.

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