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So the Territory is having it first lock down. Darwin, Palmerston and Litchfield (so me included in this) are now almost 2 hours into a 48 hour lockdown. A FIFO worker in the Tanami tested positive and they are having trouble getting hold of some close contacts I believe. (I may have it wrong as I am getting my information second hand) Not being someone on social media and a phone as a general rule I found out when I went out to fill up my car and there were people everywhere massive long lines and enough cars on the road to make it look like a morning rush hour. At the petrol station I asked someone what was going on. So I bought some more food for the chooks (was going to buy it tomorrow when I went to visit a friend) and some vegemite for me and headed home. People were bulk buying bottles of water and toilet paper so it seems like we never learn.

Budgie 8 June 27
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So 48 had been extended. But they think they might have gotten ahead of it. It is a matter of tracing and testing people who may have come into contact with one of two gentlemen who returned from the mine. For one man his wife and daughter now have it. People are on the whole being pretty good about it.
The only problems that have been reported are the IGA in Tennant Creek (not in the red zone) has put all tourist on restrictions for items so that they have enough for the people who live out on properties and come in to do huge shops once a week/fortnight. As some tourists were panic buying.
And Katherine (also outside the red zone) has had to put campervans on the town oval as so many people have stopped there, either unable to go back to their own state or not going on to Darwin.
Oh and no firecrackers on the 1st we are going to have to wait for them until we are out of lockdown.
But the bottle shops are still open.

Budgie Level 8 June 29, 2021


FrayedBear Level 9 June 27, 2021

And I read that it is the Delta variant - someone from Bendigo so I can see that we will be following suit!

@FrayedBear I keep going to the government site but there is no information there. Only found out via a friend. I am not on social media 24/7 and refuse to be.

@Budgie When we went into lockdown a month ago I learnt during a phone consult that in 8 hours I wasnt allowed to travel more than 5 klms. I was 600 klms from home and 4 hours of packing ahead of me before I could leave - that's if someone was available to relieve me of the unpaid contract ending the next day of minding a $½ million house & very old cat that I was lied to about - I was told it was 13 not the reality of 19 years old.

@Budgie I verified the phone call with nothing in Victoria but the Illawarra Mercury.

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