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Is pointing out the error of American ways an act of love extended to them or the expression of hatred?

Here are good reasons for America to be hated -
the murderous sanctions imposed against numerous countries.
Non involved countries are enforced into compliance as a result of the American bully's threat of doing the same to any country breaking the embargos -


To quote from the report:

"In recent years, the U.S. government has turned starvation into official policy. Determined to force hostile states to bend to its will, Washington increasingly imposes economic sanctions, using America’s financial dominance to penalize foreign individuals, companies, and even governments. "

"Among its prime targets were Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, and Venezuela. The objective was to wreak economic destruction – and the policy succeeded in that sense. These nations all suffered increased hardship. Yet the people who suffered the most were at the bottom economically. Regime elites usually lost some access to excess, including foreign bank accounts and the luxuries which depended on those funds."

"Moreover, in not one case did the Trump administration achieve its political ends. Communists, including nominally retired Raul Castro, still run Cuba. Tehran refused to surrender its foreign policy to Washington. North Korea’s Kim Jong-un did not make his nuclear weapons available for transport to the US In Syria Bashar al-Assad refused to yield power. So, too, Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro. Washington 0, Rogue States 5."

"As has become common, Washington applied its rules to everyone else on the planet, effectively cutting Syria off from much of the world economy."

"Jeffrey was refreshingly honest in admitting that sanctions were intended to hurt Russians, not help Syrians: "My job is to make it a quagmire for the Russians." The Syrian people were but a convenient means to an administration policy end. If that meant prolonging their suffering even after the guns had stopped firing, so be it."

"Madeleine Albright is responsible for a string of arrogant and thoughtless comments on foreign policy. Perhaps her most famous gaffe – that is, telling an inconvenient truth – was her response to a question about the death of a half million Iraqi babies due to sanctions: "We think the price is worth it," she said. That extraordinarily callous attitude evidently persists in Washington today regarding Syria."

"Diplomacy should be the main tool with which Washington addresses the world. That might frustrate US officials, since they would lose their ability to play Masters of the Universe. However, America as global dictatress has not delivered the sort of peaceful order that Washington policymakers claim to desire."

"Joe Biden ran for president as an advocate of human rights. Yet he, like Trump, has cruelly sacrificed the interests foreign peoples, such as those in Syria, to score political points. America should do better."

The author of the above is not an RT contributor nor is the article published by that media organisation. The author "Doug Bandow is a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute. He is a former Special Assistant to President Ronald Reagan and the author of several books, including Foreign Follies: America’s New Global Empire."


Wrongly many Americans think that not only is their country doing the correct thing but that they have the right to do it to others - particularly nonxtians, socialists & communists!

Furthermore pointing out the error of their ways is not a an act of love extended to them but the expression of hatred.

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FrayedBear 9 July 11
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I think love/hate is irrelevant here. For me it is a case of I see something that does not seem to be working and I want to fix it. I see injustice and I want to right the wrongs. I see what I consider to be a sociopath elected into the Presidency and I feel sorry for those who genuinely think he is/was wonderful. It is all a matter of perspective. I simply don’t know enough about the American situation to make an educated call. However I see the comments made by Americans in the system; I see bigotry and intolerance in the name of a god that that does not exist and I feel deeply concerned as a fellow human being. In Australia we have a ‘happy clapper’ christian leader and most of his cabinet is now made up of more of the same. I may disparage his belief in fairy tales but I have to admit he is doing a reasonable job of managing the pandemic.
However we have idiots here as well as other countries and they will insist on disregarding theirs and everyone elses health by their actions. All I can say is it is their own fault if they get the virus and die, at least it will clean out the gene pool a little.!

Veronica Level 4 Aug 14, 2021

Which US president sociopath in the last 120 years are you talking about?
Morrison is doing a good job? Which fantasy are you living in? 495 new cases and 2 or was it 3 deaths yesterday in NSW? The lowest rate of vaccination of any western country? Yup, sounds like he's on the ball.


I don't think it's either...

Your thoughts?

@FrayedBear Well, who's "them"? Americans? They don't have any control over foreign policy and don't really know any of the behind the scenes shit that goes into these decisions.
Is it tough love or hated for the government? I mean, I don't think they think they're doing anything wrong, or at least not something they could do differently. Shame or hated probably won't do anything.

@JeffMurray " I don't think they think they're doing anything wrong, or at least not something they could do differently" -

  1. Tell that to someone, a civilian, who has just been left maimed & had their family all killed by an anonymous drone sent across the world by America because the US government wants to steal the oil beneath your land.
  2. Tell it to a civilian whose baby has just died of starvation because America doesn't like the politics adopted in their country and so has bullied the rest of the world into applying economic sanctions against that country for the last 63 years.
  3. It is easy for America to do something different - don't be fucking selfish greedy bullying inhumane cunts.

@FrayedBear Reread what I wrote and you quoted.

You're talking to the guy that said he understood why people flew planes into our buildings instead of declaring war...

@JeffMurray Whoops, let's clarify your statement "I don't think they think they're doing anything wrong, or at least not something they could do differently" : is your "they" 1. the USA in its entirety of people who elected their government
2. the US government alone?
3. The citizens alone?
4.those who have the temerity to call out American (government & citizens) behaviour?
5. Those committing acts of violence in defence of their country's invaded by the USA?
6. Those committing acts of violence against the elected governments of their countries that are backed by US military & US troops & armaments stationed/operating(drones, aircraft & warships) in those country's space?

@FrayedBear I assumed it was clear from context I meant the American government. I apologize it wasn't.

@JeffMurray isn't the US government, like every country's government, the responsibility of the people?

@FrayedBear Yes and no. We have a really corrupt broken system where the candidates pick their voters and exclude tons of people from voting (often times based on skin color). Anyone who thinks America is a democracy with free and fair elections is sorely mistaken. Not to mention the fact that we have a ton of dumb motherfuckers that vote against their own best interests and allow crazy, wanna-be dictators to rise to power.
Also, and this is going to sound awful, but heavy is the head that wears the crown, so to speak. America is often looked to to solve/intervene in atrocities around the world, even though we're responsible for some of them ourselves. Then it becomes a damned if you do damned if you don't situation because you'll never please everyone with any action or inaction.

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