3 0

"On average 156 teenagers per week were also admitted to hospital for self-harming or expressing suicidal tendencies, the report claimed – an 88% increase from the year prior."

156 every week, under 17. How many succeed and don't get to hospital?

I tried the link for the report in the Australian, but they want me to pay.

The young are suffering, doing it very hard. Harsh lockdowns effect them the most. But that's ok as we all feel safer,. Bloody young super spreaders. Now lets tell them to vaccinate as well to stop the lockdowns, but is that guaranteed?

For the young, suicide death do they compare to death via covid tallies?
Seems we protect the vulnerable and fuck the young, or protect the young and fuck the vulnerable. We can protect both by vaccinating the vulnerable and letting the young live.
We can't defeat death of vulnerable people forever, just delay it.

ED Also consider today's news from Victoria "92 new cases" Going on figures above, why not report "22 (156 divided by 7) kid's under 17 were today admitted to hospital for self harm". Ya reckon anti lockdown protests will get bigger?

powder 8 Aug 28
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A mate who experienced Nazi invasion of his country when he was 15 experienced relatives being exterminated, food shortages, cold and times of extreme fear. Like his father he joined the resistance & fought against them. He did not self harm.

What is wrong with your whimpy Australian children? Is it the whimpy woke education that they have been given on instruction from whimpy government & now reported on by whimpier media reporters?

FrayedBear Level 9 Aug 28, 2021

And these below are JUST for the likes of @powder and his ilk.
Imo, the " Moaning Louisa's" of

Triphid Level 9 Aug 28, 2021

Sadly the Young, the Teenagers, etc, have been doing it very hard for far, far longer than JUST this time of the COVID Pandemic.
And it has NEVER been due JUST to these Lockdowns either.
As a Counselor and Child-Youth Crisis Psychologist I handle cases like this on a very disturbingly regular basis and have done so since 1998 when I first went into Counseling.
I have 2,769 still ACTIVE Counseling Files on hand, plus 1,291 still SEMI-ACTIVE and 3,657 INACTIVE Case Files on hand in Secure Storage.
Since the COVID Pandemic began and the Lockdowns, etc, etc, my Case-load has increased by 0.013% above that of the year preceding COVID and at least 0.0001% of those cases involve "the Lockdown Blues" such as you and, imo, the Author of the article are attempting to create a panic over possibly to gain your own 15 minutes in the Spotlights of Publicity, etc.

Triphid Level 9 Aug 28, 2021

0.0001% of 7717 cases is a bit less than a hundredth of a case. Recheck your arithmetic, maybe?

@Coffeo Why, my calculations are pretty much accurate.

@Triphid Just to clarify: at least one-hundredth of a case involves the "Lockdown Blues"? Hard to understand.

@Coffeo To re-clarify JUST for you, it means that 0.0001% of ALL my cases involve these "Lockdown Blues," NOT, as you posit, one, one hundreth of a CASE.
PLUS, for your enlightenment, as a Counselling Psychologist, I work WITH the Patient/Client ON all their troubles/problems, etc, etc, listening to them, talking WITH them, NOT at them, asking THEM what they THINK could/would be helpful to THEM as per each and EVRY separate problem or trouble in their life at the present.
IF, they wish to concentrate on just ONE single problem, then that is precisely what we do.
But I can state and aver that 99.99999% of my Patients/Clients, past and present, have come to me with far more pressing matters on their minds than these OVER publicised, so-called "Lockdown Blues."
There is a VERY VERY VAST difference between the TRUE analogy and that put forward, erroneously by you FIY.

@Triphid Your arithmetic is decidedly dodgy.

@Coffeo May one assume then that your are a Mathematics Expert by some chance perhaps?
P.S. I never stated that I was an expert at Mathematics btw.

@Triphid High school arithmetic is all you need. Your numbers make no sense.

@Coffeo Funny that since in 1971 I passed the H.S.C. Exams in English, Science, Maths, History, Art and Languages in the Top 15 in the State.
How were your School Exam scores?

@Triphid Pretty damn good, since you ask. One of the top 3 in Northern Ireland, and ended up with a PhD in physics.

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