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About bloody time. No more participating in the Yanks "freedom wars" hopefully.

powder 8 Aug 29
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You think that the yanks & CIA will allow it?

FrayedBear Level 9 Aug 29, 2021

@powder Australia - free democratic country 🤮

Bear, the CIA and the rest of the Seppo Governments have their hands chock full of their shit right now, so I reckon this IS the ideal time to tell them and Mother England go Screw themselves for once and for good.
Australia NEEDS to Stand as a Free and TRULY Democratic Republic, Stand by its OWN Nation Identity, the same Identity we were gifted by those who came long before our generation, i.e. the Diggers of W.W.I and W.W.II., the ground-breakers from the 18th. and 19th. Centuries, NOT the Squatters, the ones who busted a gut to open up the country, the REAL Hard Yakka Blokes, Women and Kids.

@Triphid A long time ago I had a mate who introduced me to the philosophy of "if you want to learn the easiest way to do something ask a lazy person".
A sound definition of Australians from 50,000 years ago to today.
My mate described himself as a Heinz 57'er - part Aborigine, part Chinese, part German, part Pommie . . . IMO a real Australian.

@FrayedBear 50,000 years ago there ONLY residents of the Brown and oft Dusty land would have been the Megafauna like the Ancestral Kangaroos, Wombats and the like.
Our "Indigenous" residents did NOT arrive until approx. 30 - 38,000 ago and that is at very great stretch since NO actual human remains dating later than then have EVER been uncovered.
As to being a Heinz 57'er, just being part Aboriginal, part Chinese, part German, part Pommie does NOT add up to my lineage list even remotely close to it.
Btw, the terminology of "Real Aussie" means, literally one MUST have born and Raised upon or within these fair shores, i.e. I was conceived, gestated, born, raised and have LIVED in Australia ever since, ergo, a REAL Aussie.

@Triphid as was my one legged mate. Heinz 57'er was his description not mine.
Re occupants - who did the carvings at the Burrup then if there were no humans?

@Triphid thank you for identifying your ethnicity. Like the poms a hotchpotch of genetic influences that has no or little purity.
Inbreeding is not renowned for healthy humans.

@FrayedBear It is quite a usual normality to radio-carbon date objects, etc, by having a leeway in the time slots.
The Goody-Two-shoes ( Activists) love to TAKE the GREATEST date offered up and STATE as the Factual one, i.e. Aboriginals were here 50,000 years ago. However, since I have been an assistant of sorts on numerous Archaeological Digs in the remote Australian Outback, here, QLD., N.T. and N.W. W.A. as well ALL that has been uncovered and tested over and over again and again is Human Remains, and tools such as stone axe heads, grinding dishes ( stone of course) and grinding stones, etc, and those have been FIRMLY dated to between approx. 28,000 and 38,000 years ago, which also correlates with the start of the rise in sea level around that period, which eventually cut Australia off from New Guinea, Indonesia, Tasmania, etc, etc.

@Triphid Ie. You haven't found the 50,000 year old bones yet?
Don't worry, I haven't found the bacon butty that I put down & lost somewhere in the house last week. It has taken me over two years to find the dyed red woollen sconce warmer that I lost two years ago. It's now happily back in place keeping my naked skull warm in the cold. . .
And no the bacon butty isn't hiding under it just last month's cinnamon donut! 🤣

@FrayedBear As I STATED, I work and have worked alongside Highly Respected and VERY Qualified Archaeologists, etc, and we HAVE found other NON-Humanoid (Animal remains for those who know little of Scientific terms btw) remains that date back to well before the 50,000years ago.
In fact, one set of fossilised remains, part thereof of course, is believed to be, at present, a possibly and previous undescribed member of the Therapod Dinosaurs, possibly a miniature/infantile Allosaur.


Well for once I agree with them completely.
Why should WE send our troops to fight in wars that the U.S. has caused or started?
When the Russian invaded Afghanistan the Yanks set up and paid millions into the Afghani Resistance Groups, Arms, Munitions,the whole pack and bundle.
When the Russians left, those same groups united to form groups such as the Taliban and NOW they are killing the same people who supported in the beginning AND our troops as well.
Yes, 9/11 occurred, Yes, it WAS a travesty BUT, WHY did it happen in the first place?
Perhaps simply because the U.S. sticks it dirty fingers into everyone else's business, cares ONLY for ensuring ITS regular Oil Supplies from the Middle Eastern Oil Producing Countries, the Yank Governments just can't fathom out that NOT ALL the world wants to become little carbon copies of America, we WANT to retain our OWN National Identities, be our own selves and live our OWN lives our OWN way and NOT the American Way.

Triphid Level 9 Aug 29, 2021

Who says 9/11 was foreign originated? I have not encountered one intelligent engineer who can prove that two aeroplanes caused their collapse.

@FrayedBear Since AvGas, i.e. Jet Fuel is 100% HIGHLY refined and Distilled Kerosene ( aka Paraffin ) AND it burns at a temperature MUCH lower than that required to actually melt, distort and sufficiently weaken the type of steel used in the construction of those Towers then it would be a 80-90% probability that there is FAR, FAR, more to 9/11 story than the world has been told.

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