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Advancing Australia Fair

puff 8 Oct 15
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I probably would be jailed over there in A-jail-yeh as a terrorist.

Unvaxxed me, where some in Canada have called me a serial killer. Can't sue them for slander , they are protected under the secret totalterrimism act.

Nursing home threatened to call the police on me. I said "Go get your f'n phone then". They backed down.


This is just the first wave , worst is to come. Although many are waking up.


Welcome to uptight whoops upright un corrupt Victoria that bastion of xtian decency where bishops hide pedophiles, doyens of society are found to be corrupt, Premiers instruct their staff to respond to mail addressed to their immediate predecessor with "we may reply to & investigate this matter if you address it to the new premier" (irrespective of the fact that the government internet site did not have the name of the new incumbent, victoria where the ombudsmen when proven to be totally incorrect in his determination of a complaint doesn't correct it but says "if you don't like my decision complain again!", Victoria where frequent complainers have the files labelled with the determination that they are queralents - file but don't action complaint, Victoria where perjury has a penalty - As per Section 314 of the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic), the maximum penalty for perjury is level 4 imprisonment, 15 years. However, despite this provision, the maximum punishment for this crime would be two years imprisonment if a Magistrate Court handles the case. The reason is that the law only allows a Magistrate to impose at most two years of imprisonment for a single offence and five years incarceration for multiple charges.
Perjury in Victoria is both a statutory offence and a common-law one. Statutorily, this crime is an offence under Section 314 of the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic). According to this section, a person commits perjury if they make a false statement under oath, in an affidavit, declaration, or affirmation. When I pointed out that the constable accusing me of failing to uphold driving law in his opening written sworn statement claimed that I had prior convictions which was certified by the Victorian police manager of records in sworn affidavit not to be true was claimed by the magistrate not to be perjury but an administrative mistake. That the police prosecuting sergeant presented this to the magistrate not only identified their mistake also but additionally deception & perjury to prejudice the magistrate against me. The perjury occured in the first 2 lines at the top of the first page of the police sworn charges summary.
Welcome to Victoria.

FrayedBear Level 9 Oct 15, 2022

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