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Why is this asshole, one Zachary Rolfe, still employed as a policeman? []
Why did anybody ever employ that asshole for any job at all?

anglophone 9 Nov 5
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IT is a world wide problem that police forces pay a pittance and so tend to recruit anyone who walks through the door and don't look too closely at cv's. This is why so many officers are corrupt and or desperate and willing to look the other way, or take their time turning up to a dangerous situation, or take out their frustrations and prejudices on members of the public.
If police forces offered a good rate of pay they could have their choice of the best of the best, educated and honest recruits who actually want to be enforcers of the law.

Thugs to catch thugs. The clever are the politicians setting the rules & parameters - they're not going to recruit intelligent people to catch them & have them imprisoned!
Currently we have a problem in Australia with the incumbent government, Labor , like its long time predecessor, Liberal, wanting to create a shackled ineffective national anti corruption commission!
I think that I recently posted about it though I've long said the same about most of the Australian & State commissions that they are merely there to whitewash government's failures & crimes.

@FrayedBear Well said I totally agree. No party wants an effective anticorruption commission. Political parties are corruption. corupt pollies, corrupt practises and modus operandii. there supposedly existed a mythical imaginary and "honest???? " politician. The Jews say they nailed him to a cross as a lesson to humanity. corruption rules the wold

@Kurtn ty. Never heard the "nailing him to the +" before but love it & will remember your allegory for future reference.
The only good politician is one dead for more than 50 years.


Welcome to 'strylia. I once depicted the continent as a proverbial ostrich with its head in the sand. In the cartoon regarding human rights covenants it had proclaimed to the world that it would uphold.


He was hired to do exactly as he was told.. To suppress and exterminate aboriginals.
He is a success in his job.
His bosses did not foresee the backlash and are now in damage control.
Closing the door after the horse has bolted
He was not the only assassin errrr police officer present that day ,his mates were there, although they did not directly do the shooting. err murder

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