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It is clear that China has plans for expansion. Are there any working crystal balls out there that can forecast Chinas intentions for that Asia _Pacific region?

Worrying for Australia is the aggressive stance China has towards it's neighbours and trading partners.
Australia has been hit hard by crippling sanctions imposed on exports to china in response to Australia voicing concern of China's interference in Australia's political system and media.

With a change of government in Australia, there has been an easing of these trade sanctions somewhat and it looks like trade wiill continue to improve.

The AUKUS deal, which China has hinted it does not approve of, also creates flashpoints between Australia and China with possible much further repercussions that the past trade sanctions.
China has invested heavily in it's Belt and road trade routes, and is justified in protecting it at all costs. this will cause tension in the south China sea as it is a global trade route not just a Chinese sole providence. Other nations have the right to protect their particular trade routes, in international waters, under international law.
AUKUS has also firmly established Australia as being solidly aligned with America.
It is no secret that America is goading China into a war. China has officially warned of war if America does not change it's ways. America cannot retreat as their very economy, (built on a ponzie scheme of FauX money) is collapsing world wide.
This is a very worrying event for Australia, no matter what Australias intentions are for acquiring these submarines, Australia is now seen as America's lapdog which does not bode well for Australia.

The Aukus deal has the American built Nuclear submarines touted as the absolute latest in submarine technology, Which America admits are halfway through their effective work-life, already being just about 20 years old now. t will be ten years Australia gets the submarines, which will be nearing obsolescence by then.

The American spy facility and the new American naval base being built in the Northern territory belies the fact Australia is not neutral and poses a military target.

With constant vilification of anything Chinese by the Americans, with no avenue of retreat, armed conflict seems inevitable. If I were the Chinese Communist party, I would initiate conflict now before Australia can cause naval damage to Chinese trade interests.

vocaloldfart 8 Mar 21
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Chinese are business men, they will take over through trade not military might.
If China was expansionist they would have taken over Laos years ago. Also communist, Laos only has 4.5 million people and the land is resource rich ie a piece of piss for China to conquer. A land locked country with a long border with China.
We are lacky's to a dying US empire and will be dragged down by them. All our defense "experts" should be shot for treason for giving up our sovereignty and allowing foreign armies to use Australia as a staging point.
Naturally pessimistic, I am optimistic we will become a republic one day and that is when we can rewrite the rules eg no permanent foreign forces on our soil.
AUKUS is such a load of shit. Developed by that tosser skidmark morrison with that other tosser Trump (both psychopaths, zero empathy in those 2), with the UK trying to relive it's glory days of "the sun never sets". FYI Pompeo flew here several times on the sly to get the deal done, whilst at the same time both the UK and US persecute one of our own in Assange. So our gutless dickwad leaders create a new "Defense" deal with his persecuters...........great!!
AUKUS will drive our neighbour's towards China like Indonesia and PNG, who are not impressed with being left out the loop by Australia. Let alone us making the Pacific nuclear.
When the US gets officially fingered for Nord Stream we may wake up, but not the current crop of useless politicians we have now.

puff Level 8 Mar 22, 2023

I tend to agree with your comment. International people think that Australia is a democracy.
Well it makes a good picture and would be popular in Hollywood, but nowhere near reality.
Until recently the country was governed solely by the Mafia. We assign them the euphemism of LNP. (Liberal national party) or more commonly the libellous Nazi party. Proving to the world their ethos by lying , inhuman and criminal activities. The present lot The lunatics (LP), desperate to distance themselves from the mafia while still adhering to the tried mafia principles. Time will tell how they fare but going on current issues it appears to be same old same old with the wolves now dressed in sheeps' clothing
These combined mafia clowns(LNP+ALP) have not come to grips that Australia is a nation on it's own and must live or die by it's own efforts.
These gobshite mafia dons are giving the country AWAY to anyone who will pay for the removal of our resources,involve the nation in a very dubious European war with future repercussions on trade, economy and politics, and putting Australia in the middle of a prime nuclear target with our slavish alliance to a dead horse. Well dying anyhow,

@Kurtn I've always thought our problem was we never got rid of the notion of Australia as a colony (excepting Whitlam perhaps). Something to be raped, pillaged and then discarded when of no further use. We need to grow up by cutting ties with our "parents" and move out on our own.


The Chinese economy has been stumbling due to the effects of Covid and bad planning. One pundit said that China would like access to the Chinese population of women on Taiwan because of the one-child policy effects. That, and stealing the chip fab capabilities. Supposedly, those facilities would go boom if an invasion started. Hence, the US Congress passed the chip fab initiative last year.

The main players attacking China in the US are on the Russian payroll. That reality makes the meeting of Xi and Putin interesting. China has been offering to broker peace in Ukraine as a 'disinterested' party.

I am surprised, but not very, to hear of China interfering in Australia's politics. I haven't seen any coverage of that, but then Russia's involvement in the US has been severely suppressed. While China may be on the verge of preeminence, if Putin completes his control of the US, then China becomes the weaker adversary.

racocn8 Level 9 Mar 21, 2023

Of course the dragon is rising. It has been for the last 60-70 years.
Our former Treasurer & Prime Minister Paul Keating although showing signs of loss of sharpness with age exquisitely eviscerated the incumbent PM & FM. the other day -

See also "Why is Australia not in BRICS?"

And this delightful short commentary from about ten years ago:

Sadly for America & its sycophantic Australian government their senior ministers do not have the gravitas of the Chinese leader.

FrayedBear Level 9 Mar 21, 2023

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