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What's everyone think about this "Voice" referendum? I can't see it getting 70%.

Had a real interesting talk with a mate who is very knowledgeable in contemporary Aboriginal Australia. He explained to me how it came about.
There were several Aboriginal official bodies which Howard either removed completely or handicapped so much as to be defunct. So the yes vote is about not letting these bodies be disbanded by Prime Ministerial whim in the future, that they be protected by legislation.

Having read what is available, which is vague, it seems to me this "Voice", whoever ends up representing it (yet to be decided), can be totally ignored by parliament. It will have no teeth. As no finer details are contained, very vague and to be determined later we are told, I just don't trust government to not pull a fast one.
I will be voting no for this reason.
If "The Voice" formed a body that had power of veto over the government, I would vote yes.

Regardless of what I think, I just can't see it passing ie over 70% "yes" vote.

NB for non-Americans and many Australians who don't realise, Aboriginal People were contained in the wildlife census, not the "Australian" human census prior to 1967, the year of my birth. Worse apartheid than Sth Africa at the time. That was the last time a referendum passed in Australia, basically taking Aboriginals off the wildlife list, conceding they are not subhuman after all. A Shameful history, nothing to be proud of.
Aboriginal people are not specifically mentioned or acknowledged in our Constitution which a "yes" vote would also rectify.

puff 8 Sep 15
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I can't predict the result of the referendum, but I have heard Dutton and his mafia cohorts say that when they oust the present mafiosa godfather and clan , they will have another referendum .
It appears we will be having this same referendum until the country gets it right.
How many referendum will that take????


@puff is that really you? You seem to now have a mugshot but it's not on your profile.


And the yes campaigners


On the voice vote a SA correspondent sent me the following photo -

FrayedBear Level 9 Sep 16, 2023

Yeah its me, added me mug. Either this site shut down a few months ago or I got big brothered, got a security error message when I tried to Did everyone get that?
Back to topic, ya reckon it will get 70%?

@puff nah. Too many don't want the discrimination that it creates in making them special. What's proposed is a bit like the Amnesty international desk at the UN - a non existant country amongst offenders complaining of their inhumane behaviour. Same with Australian law - all for show & no for go. Australia agrees to international UN conventions & rule, signs them proclaiming to the world that they will uphold them but then in court the judges say "nah we can't uphold these rules because the parliament hasn't enacted them into local law". I proved this back in the early 90's with three federal judges telling me they couldn't uphold international treaty signed by Australia several years previously. During the Keating government they wanted to enshrine the concept by changing Australian law however the fall of that government resulted in the bill lapdong. Just how it faired from then under Howerd is unknown to me. However Australians are the only people on earth who do not have a national bill of rights granting all equality.

@puff on someone forgot to renew\pay the piper so it went feral for 3 months losing its htttps status hence why your browser wouldn't let you go there.
How did you learn that it was back?

@puff your current profile 1 minute ago -

@FrayedBear No idea how I did that re picture. Shouldn't it automatically be my profile pic if I uploaded it already in my little avatar jobby when I post?

@puff I would have thought so but I suspect that this is now a reverse engineered site acquired by someone else possibly even a religious mob.

@puff I recently changed my avatar, not that anyone has noticed. It's on my profile.

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