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Is Australian Prime Minister Albanese correct in saying: Hamas action against Israel is abhorrent & that Israel has a right to defend itself?

Information from Canadians for peace & justice in Palestine group says otherwise. Mr Albanese is merely expressing his abhorrence at those who for 75 years have been subjected to genocidal inhumane treatment by the israeli invaders of Palestine.
"Zionist militias seized more than 78 percent of historic Palestine, destroyed some 530 Palestinian villages and cities and killed about 15,000 Palestinians in more than 70 massacres. Some 750,000 Palestinians were ethnically cleansed between 1947 and 1949 to create the state of Israel in 1948."Chris Hedges 09\10\2023

The United Nations made the situation legal & clear in its declarations 49 years ago. Why is it that this Prime Minister who would have been 11 years old at the time of the declarations not have been aware of them? I'm sure that PM Bob Hawke would have been & was one of the few to mention israeli barbarity to Palestinians.

Do Palestinians have a “right to resist”
according to the United Nations?
Yes, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has
explicitly affirmed the right of Palestinians to resist Israel’s
military occupation, including through armed struggle. This
right was affirmed in the context of the right to self-
determination of all peoples under foreign and colonial
rule. Some of the most relevant UN resolutions on this
matter include:
• UNGA Resolution 3314 (1974) affirmed the right of
self-determination, freedom, and independence for
all “peoples under colonial and racist regimes or other
forms of alien domination,” and affirmed the “right of
these peoples to struggle to that end and to seek and
receive support.”1
• UNGA Resolution 37/43 (1982) reaffirmed the
“inalienable right” of the Palestinian people “and all
peoples under foreign and colonial domination” to
self-determination. It also reaffirmed the legitimacy of
“the struggle of peoples for […] liberation from
colonial and foreign domination and foreign
occupation by all available means, including armed
Similar principles have been repeated in numerous other
UNGA resolutions. Although UNGA resolutions are not
legally binding, they “accurately reflect the customary
international legal opinion among the majority of the
world’s sovereign states.”3
Why did the UN recognize this right?
The UN recognized the right to resist foreign domination in
the backdrop of independence wars against colonial
powers in the second half of the 20th century, especially in
Southern Africa. UN resolutions during this period
frequently spoke in support of the Palestinian struggle
alongside similar liberation movements in other colonial
contexts, including the fight against apartheid rule in South
Africa and Namibia, which had also incorporated the use of
armed struggle to achieve their goals. During this same
period, the UN granted observer status to the Palestine
Liberation Organisation (PLO) 4 alongside African liberation
movements including the African National Congress (ANC).
Is the “right to resist” recognized by
international humanitarian law?
Yes. Initially, the international laws of war as defined by the
Fourth Geneva Convention (1949) had little to say about
the use of force against an occupying power, but did not
prohibit it.
5 However, supplementary amendments to the
Fourth Geneva Convention under Protocol I (1977)
expanded the scope of the law, explicitly affirming that it
applies to situations including “armed conflicts in which
peoples are fighting against colonial domination and alien
occupation and against racist régimes in the exercise of
their right of self-determination.”6 This update to
international law gave legal legitimacy to “the resort to
arms by national liberation movements, including the
giving Palestinians a “legal right” to use force
against military occupation,
similar to that enjoyed by
sovereign nations.
Are there limitations to the exercise of this
Yes. As Palestinian-American legal scholar Noura Erakat
writes, the right to use force is “not unlimited and is
regulated by the principles of distinction and
proportionality, as well as the other laws that regulate
irregular combat.”9
“Distinction” refers to the mandate to
distinguish between occupying combatants and civilians.10

As such, Palestinian armed resistance must target
occupation soldiers and infrastructure, and never civilians.
For this reason, UN experts and human rights groups
including Amnesty International have argued that the
indiscriminate firing of rockets by Palestinian militant
groups in Gaza is unlawful and may constitute a war crime,
as the rockets cannot be “accurately directed at a military
target” and therefore cannot distinguish between military
objects and civilians.11 Such actions are subject to a
pending investigation by the International Criminal Court
(ICC), alongside Israeli war crimes.12 13
On the other hand, violence directed at military targets,
including Israeli occupation soldiers and military
checkpoints, can be considered within an occupied
people’s right to resist. Erakat argues that “Palestinians
have the right to use force against Israel and all military
installations and targets to end their unjust rule.”14

Which leaves one asking "why is PM Albanese making these statements? Has he been bought like Truman was? (Zionists gained US support for Israel through Truman who was given a $2 million incentive at a time when he was losing the election race...)

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FrayedBear 9 Oct 9
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More opinion supporting my criticism of PM Albanese -

FrayedBear Level 9 Oct 10, 2023

Are we to assume you love Hamas just like you love Putin?

To assume is to put an ass before "u" & "me".

@FrayedBear I'll take that as a yes...

@ChestRockfield you merely identify your stupidity.

@FrayedBear Nothing about that is stupid. We all know you have a side hustle renting out your mouth as Putin's cock-holster, and this post seems pretty clear you don't give a fuck about Isreal being attacked by a terrorist organization.

@ChestRockfield Yet again! How ignorant are you. Israelis invade Palestine so when Palestinians fight back against the invaders they are the effing terrorists - you are mad.

@ChestRockfield however you probably spelt "Isreal" correctly. The answer is no to the geographic boundaries, to the genocide & crimes against humanity yes.

And as you so vehemently support Israeli atrocities & now the proposed escalation of the genocide against the Palestinians living on the Gaza strip you will happily stand with the likes of Gallant when charged under the various international rules against genocide & crimes against humanity -

@FrayedBear Thank you for proving my initial hypothesis. You suck the dicks of Putin and the Hamas terrorists. None of us are surprised.

@ChestRockfield nor will we all be surprised when you all get life imprisonment for your inhumane behaviours. Presumably the thought of people fellating others excites your puerile mind as it does most American males by having others demean themselves sucking on your barbarically mutilated penises.

@FrayedBear How are you so dumb that you still don't understand that American citizens have no control over or responsibility for American foreign policy?

@ChestRockfield your excuse is irrelevant.

@FrayedBear Okay, take me to court. Idiot.

@ChestRockfield one day you will be then you can enjoy the benefits of living in a sanctioned country. Your arrogance continues.

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