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About bloody time our politicians broke ranks with the US. Now get Assange back.

puff 8 Nov 15
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It should have been done as soon as they caused the Whitlam government's dismissal.

FrayedBear Level 9 Nov 15, 2023

I'm still pissed off at Costello for selling all our gold to them.

@puff stupid is as stupid does. He will eventually see his reward. . . Unfortunately so will everyone else.

@David1955 Learnt to not consider borrowing money of anyone else.

@David1955 & @puff by the Australian people. They should have thrown the Governor General out.


More Ukraine - Israel misinformation designed to curry US citizens support?

FrayedBear Level 9 Nov 15, 2023

Just posted a bit on propaganda.

@FrayedBear Some Israeli slag pretending to be a nurse in Gaza, claiming Hamas is interfering and encouraging all to move South. Should be shot as a spy.

@puff An ounce of lead in the head may relieve impatience & anger however it does not stop the one ordering the the behaviour repeating it.
You know better than to shoot the messenger which is what many on here would like to do with me & failing that they take the psychotic option & simply block me.

@FrayedBear I'm talking military law. If you remove your uniform in a war zone and pretend to be a civilian you may be shot as a spy; eg the famous photo from Viet Nam.
Now take that to the next level and don on a nurses uniform and shed false tears over suffering children in a propaganda piece.
Don't know about you but my reaction is what a disgusting human piece of shit representing a vile ideology that plans genocide. So start shooting these cunts after due process when this is over.

@FrayedBear to refresh your memory, legal in war.

@puff Your logic is impeccable. The crime more heinous if the actor paid for the performance. Doesn't the scriptwriter & idea originator necessitate greater need of identification, outing, humiliation & confession before execution otherwise they'll do it again & again?

@puff Are you the first or do you come from a long line of ancestors who can state that they never actively contributed to the genocide of Australian FNP?
There are few if any Australian FNP who can state that!

@puff I read that according to Wikipedia justification of the Nguyễn Văn Lém execution was claimed through US lies & WMD that he had undertaken multiple murders & buried the victims in a mass grave.
The US determined that the general executing Vān Lém had committed murder but Jimmy Carter pardoned him!


@FrayedBear That has zero to what is happening in Gaza because we live here and now. Historic genocide of indigenous peoples is the history of European colonisation when we were not alive. But we are alive now when Israel attempts to colonise Palestine. The IDF is so fucked in the head now that the only way to get it through their inbred skulls that this period of human history is over and no longer acceptable is to start shooting arseholes like this slag within their ranks so others curb their urges. Here and now

@FrayedBear Wikipedia is a long way from the definitive source. I recall the army talking about this incident.
They were in the middle of a firefight and the guy executed was a known commander found and captured in civilian clothing. He was quickly interrogated but refused to disclose positions. As they were in the middle of a shit fight there was not enough human resources to apprehend and hold prisoners safely without compromising tactical advantage. But the main killer was he was found in civilian clothes.
Dodgy shit happens in war but this is rather clear cut, a command decision in the heat of battle. POW Geneva laws only apply to those in uniform. The army told us he was a good officer and commander and conducted himself professionally.
He only got charged because the media caught the act on film whilst the American public were shielded from the horrors of war mostly. Photographs like this help stop wars, bringing the reality of them to lounge chair observers.
You have seen images of the destruction in Gaza? It is a pity there is no smell imagery, because apparently the smell of death emanating from under the rubble is overpowering. The smell of rotting flesh should quell the appetite of warmongering observers, you would hope so anyway.

@puff see my comment about Nguyễn Văn Lém. Read Bonhoeffer's opinion below & particularly the part that I put in bold. . . It would be efficacious to have what you suggest occur but I doubt that it will because the "world has moved on". It is no longer a world of an eye for an eye but a half world wanting thousands of eyes in retribution for one, the other half devising WMD to justify the excusing of the offenders behaviour.

"Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed – in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical – and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack. For that reason, greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid person than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous."
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison

@FrayedBear Dead right. Israel is full of malice/ revenge but stupid America refuses to condemn crimes against humanity and keeps supplying Israel weapons against overwhelming world opinion. How stupid is that? And yes, far more dangerous the stupid (or senile).

@puff I once looked after a chap with gangrene. When I first smelled it in hospital the odour was not unfamiliar. I can only assume that the memory of that smell is hereditary - we are born with it. I doubt that the smell of death is much different.
These days we rarely, in the western world encounter it, so yes I imagine experiencing would trigger powerful reactions. In earlier, unhygienic times it would have been more prevalent than our current perfumed world.
Thought: does this go toward explaining wokes, wokism & political correctnes that prevents a spade being called a spade or if a post WWII Londoner a negro?

@FrayedBear Think it has a lot to do with living in a virtual world, 2 dimensional where "Keeping up appearances" is important. Sound and sight are only two of five senses yet we think those are the only ones needed to know enough to preach the virtuousness of a 2 dimensional world.
Be ultra woke in public where others may employ all their senses and you will quickly be dismissed as not grounded in reality eg Stand up and demand your preferred pronouns are used ,see how others react/ view you. Or watch the accolades others shower you with, in real life not online, when your female self wins all the races with your biologically male body.
We need a politically correct, woke term for these type of people that is acceptable so as to not offend. I nominate "Dickheads".

@puff Unfortunately the dickheads appear to be winning. I've just returned from a shopping trip to Kmart. An organisation rife with fuckwittery & dickheads. I bought 5 items which should have processed through the self checkout like slices of salami off the board & onto the pizza.
But first lets talk about how the shopper arrives at the self checkout from the back end, menswear section of the store. You pass a little locked, yale latch type, gate that has a sign saying "staff only". It leads directly into the concourse leading to the tills. At least 10 metres past the gate doing a U turn leads you into the beginning of the concourse. Another U turn at the opposite end leads you to the 10-15 metres of self checkouts one side & 1 single manned by human checkout on the other. Instead of walking the extra 20 - 30 metres I simply, instead of turning into the queue concorse walk a little further & then turn to occupy the 1st self serve machine ignoring the sign saying "exit" as I turn.
Imediately behind me & blocking the exit was a black uniformed aging white haired female Amazon almost my height but heavier.
I was purchasing 2 plastic tubs with lids on special & 3 x 30 ltr see through rectangular plastic lidless containers. 1st tub goes through price $5, second goes through also $5 & message is noticed saying these tubs come with lids. I ignore it & leave the lids on the in bench. Put the first of the containers through & lay it on its side in the stacked tubs. Put the second through & because I lift the first up in order to stack thw second inside the till machine objects & demand that I call the floorwalker to authenticate my purchases. I turn & request this of the aging amazon. The machine refuses to recognise her card barcode twice before allowing me to proceed. & So to the third container . . . Yup, you're correct, another three sign ins required from the machine.
So I politely asked if she would pass my complaint on to senior management about both hers & my time. . . Now that requires her to actually do something & point out the stupidity of the system to her superiors. Floorwalkers obviously not supposed to do that. However she offered to call the shop manager on the walkieTalkey hanging from her ear. So I said yes "let's waste his time as well!"
So guess what happened as I put the first lid in the now charged on the till list invoice & Into the tub . . .the machine required further sign ins before allowing payment to be made. & Then again on the second lid.
Then a pimply faced manager turned up. His answer was to simply remove the item. Lengthy commentary followed that seemingly went in one ear & out the other. Guerilla tactics employed for the day over I left.
. . .they drag me down to their level!

@FrayedBear I refuse to use self checkout, always use cash too.

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