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My new favourite word; fuckwickery

puff 8 Dec 2
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Less voting, means more power to the people.

How so?


I think the word is "fuckwittery" or fuckwitery" not "fuckwickery"

"fuckwittery" []

no definition for "fuckwickery" but someone is referenced as using the word on twitter: []

"fuckwitery" - []

What is even more telling in this land of compulsory voting is that about 15% of people required to vote refuse to -



Both these articles identify that nearly 10% of the registered to vote population didn't do so . . . & that %age doesn't include the proportion who turned up to avoid a fine but then invalidated their count by spoiling the paper.

Also note that only 96% of the population eligible to register do so according to the AEC (Australian Electoral Commission)


However note that on the web site for the AEC there is no menu listing for election results & numbers voting or not in each election - see screenshot attached:

MY bad, never won any spelling bees.

@puff it's most likely your accent & how it has controlled your hearing. . . Mine results in my pronouncing "ing" as "ink"!

@FrayedBear My accent is totally fucked up living in Asia so long then adopting the Kiwi butchering of vowels, working there for 2 years. Then you have my Adelaide roots meaning the rest of Australia thinks I sound like a Pom.

@puff depending on which poms you've chosen to emulate then sounding like one may be nothing to be ashamed of. I had a mid atlantic accent until I stepped on to the quayside in Fremantle nearly 50 years ago. I then decided that I was not ashamed of my native north west of England accent.

@FrayedBear Pastie is the big one. I say "par-stie" whereas most say "pas-tie". I always counter by saying "That's what strippers wear on their nipples".

@puff isn't a par-stie where you breed & feed American Hill Billy fathers?

@puff and a nipple hider is not a pas-tie it's a "prude protector"!

@FrayedBear Pastie as in Cornish pastie, like a vege pie, sort of not.

@puff cornish pastie - my favourite when travelling - most are not very good. I can recommend Cousin Jack's Bakery in Inglewood not far from Bendigo. . . Expensive but good.

@FrayedBear Big in SA, had a lot of copper mines with a big Cornish population/influence eg Moonta on York' Peninsular. Can't get a decent pastie in the Eastern states. Or Bung Fritz. Or Mettwurst.
Clarendon Bakery in the Adelaide Hills are the best.

@FrayedBear If you have a Drakes they sell Balfour's pasties which are your stock standard pie warmer type in SA (and Villi's). Not the Roll's Royce but a decent pastie if you get a craving. Frozen pie section.

@puff Don't have either in W. Vic.

@puff closest I got to Adelaide for 40 years was Milang last February.

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