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Mandating the vax was unlawful so says our courts. That is a crime against humanity. I want to see these people hung, seriously, so they don't dare try to pull this shit ever again.
Jeanette Young, if any spooks are monitoring this site, if found guilty deserves death for crimes against humanity eg forcing an experimental medicine through coercion, without consent. A hanging offence. All the leaders so concerned for our safety deserve punishment. They should be charged for the death toll in nursing homes directly due to their policy's.
These cunts want to play Hitler, expect the same fate.

puff 8 Feb 27
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Like Bill Gates says, the people will listen when the next deadlier vaccines come out. Most of the people are deeply programed and will be taking it. The smarter people will survive under the real constitution of the right to our own autonomy and freedom rights to live.

Hanging anyone will only lower our intelligent to their level.

Life is precious but it is not sacred. If it was sacred, there would be no death. Hang them high, no one will miss them. Too many people have been killed.
Crimes against humanity means you have forfeited your right to be a human.
I'm with you as anti death penalty, but crimes against humanity is different. Far worse than war crimes. Zero tolerance is the only solution or it will continue.


The ramifications could be interesting but will it simply be dismissed as Queensland nuttiness like Joe Bjelke?

FrayedBear Level 9 Feb 27, 2024

The cunts are moving now to change legislation to make it legal, so they don't have to face charges.

@puff Sounds like retrospective legislation which I've always understood to be illegal in court.

@FrayedBear Won't work anyway. Jeanette Young mandated, no exemptions, I had to have a flu jab (yes flu jab) or never visit my old man again. Emotional blackmail of the worse kind. They can change all the laws they want, because I'll be using crime against humanity laws and so will the Police Union, Nurses Union, Fireman, Teachers etc etc.
NB Also can't force people to consume products. Especially medical ones.

@puff I'll love to see how I'll go with that against the Victorian police & judiciary to say nothing of the Federal Family Law judges who told me they couldn't uphold international law covenanted to by Australia because parliament hadn't incorporated it into Australian law.

@FrayedBear Vic police? Nothing to do with it. Get the policy makers, the "medical experts".
Nuremburg was very plain. To give medical treatment you seek freely given and informed consent with no coercion. Especially medicines being trialed. Laws like this come into being because, I don't know, fascist master race types, who love to a adopt a religious symbol (aka swastika and now the Star of David), liked to do experiments on kiddies, twins the favourite. "Never again" the world vowed.
I'm not going to call fascists "Nazi's" anymore. Gunna call them "Israeli's" eg "Fuck off Israeli!".
First coerced mass medical experiments, now genocide. Our poor ancestors fighting this shit in WWII would think "Why did we bother". We dishonour their sacrifice allowing it to occur again. So lets start hanging these fascists aka Nazi's aka Israeli's. Ban the Star of David as a hate symbol.
Never Again!

@puff separate issue. Vic police ordered I be deprived of certain rights without trial & based up police & accuser perjury.

@puff "We dishonour their sacrifice allowing it to occur again." - not just Israelis but before that USA, Ukrainians & their mercenaries.

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