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Just sent. I would be happy if I give her a few sleepless nights. FYI Jeannette Young was Chief Medical Officer in Qld during covid, failing up to the state GG position now.

"Dear Governor,

I wish to inform you that after the recent court decision deeming vaccine mandates unlawful, that I will be seeking damages from you personally for mandating a vaccine for influenza virus when a pandemic was declared by the WHO for a coronavirus. The worse possible coercion was used upon myself, a threat that I would never be able to see my dying Father again, resident at a nursing home. After seeking an exemption due to past side effects, my personal Doctor informed me that she had been directed, by authority of the Chief Medical Officer of Queensland, yourself, that she was unable to give me an exemption.

You have questions to answer and I will be attempting to have you prosecuted under international "Crimes against humanity" laws and seek the ultimate punishment. This letter and any response, will be submitted as evidence in a court of law. I will ask you to justify why a vaccine for influenza was mandated under emergency powers when the pandemic was declared over a Coronavirus. I will ask you why an unproven medicine was #1 released on the public and 2) mandated. I will ask you why my father spent the last month of his life alone due to your policies. I will ask you why as CMO at the time, you did not defend the principal that any medical treatment must first seek informed consent, freely given without coercion. Ask why you ignored the Hippocratic Oath of doing no harm by forcing through oppressive coercion medicines on people who did not want it causing mental and possible, physical harm with an unproven product. I will ask you why I was forced to purchase and consume a product against my wishes, using visitation to a dying relative as coercion.

After the debacle of mandating Flu jabs, I refused to let it happen again, instead standing up for international law for humanity, confirmed at the Nuremburg Trials after World War II. So I wrote a risk assessment (also to be used as evidence in any future trial) regarding visitation which allowed me to see my Father without complying with the covid vax mandate. I showed through the science of safety aka observation, measurement and repeatable results, that the science of medicine is totally inept in keeping the general public safe (quarantine in multi story, enclosed building in major population centers, for an airborne virus, fails any risk assessment). Not Medical experts fault, not their expertise. No idea about safety and it showed. I am unvaccinated for Covid, but so is everyone else as there is no vaccine for Covid. No herd immunity if transmission (not even tested for in trials) is not stopped. So why push that a certain percentage needed inoculation when it was known transmission was not stopped? Disgraceful decision making.

Now, I may be dissuaded from pursuing legal action if a letter of genuine regret is received from you, along with re-imbursement for the Flu non-vaccine (same reasons Covid is not a vaccine) jab I was forced to purchase. I am well aware under emergency powers, not any old medicine can be mandated, it must be a vaccine.. Your response must be in writing, hard evidence that may be utilised in a court of law by myself against your decision making.

I will allow you until the end of March, 2024, to respond to this letter. If no response forthcoming, I will proceed with legal action, involving the media and telling all who will listen. I honour our veterans who fought fascism ie Never Again will we allow a state to force medicine on a group of people under their control. This was a disgusting chapter in Australian history and must never be repeated. I will be doing my best to ensure it is not..

Yours Sincerely

puff 8 Feb 28
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Have you found a lawyer willing to take it on?

FrayedBear Level 9 Feb 28, 2024

Pro bono?

@FrayedBear I'll wait for any response, if none coming then this letter will be plastered everywhere I can. I will appeal for pro bono then. Otherwise, happy to do it myself. I'm standing firm ground and after 6 court appearances, won a case the cops bought against me here. Hopefully they investigate me and understand I'm not one to bluff.
I suspect I represent many visitors to nursing homes. The nurses/ police and teachers will be the big cases. If you know a lawyer willing to pro bono, let me know.

@FrayedBear My motivation is not financial gain. Happy for any lawyer to earn any compensation awarded. Crimes against humanity. My motivation is to take these fascist pigs with snouts in the public trough, happy to be ultra authoritarian, down. Ruin their legacy's, that's how to hurt vain psycho's.

@puff lol, looking for a few myself. Can't even get a senior law academic at Melbourne university to confirm about a year ago that she agreed that I had proven about 24 breaches by Australia of a human rights covenant signed by them in the early 90's. Didn't do me any good back then nor now nearly 30 years on!

@puff I must say that the recently posted video of Ralph Wilde giving his presentation impressed me for delivery, content & reasoning.

@FrayedBear I'm fine doing it myself, done that twice now and won both times (mind you, a lawyer would have got me more probably in an underpayment case. I went for $170K and got $70K).
I'm one of those dangerous people who gives no fucks. Not career climbing or seeking finances. I found when I tripped up defense lawyers, I get judges respect and both told me I was a very good, genuine witness thus believable. Sure, could have done it better but I have learnt some and will be prepared if it comes to that. Authority does not impress me, not overawed by it as many are. I will have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Jeannette Young has much to lose and nothing to gain (defeat me, I am a nothing. I know that).
You only live once, so may as well have a bit of fun along the way 😀

@FrayedBear The 24 breaches bit, sounds to me like an international court thing that you could kick off here but get heard elsewhere. That's rather big money needed. If serious, I would contact Assange support groups as a good chance there are fair minded lawyers in England they know whom may be interested in a pro bono case against the Commonwealth of Australia.

@puff thanks for the suggestion. I doubt that I'll live long enough for it to even start.

@puff I have the disadvantage of being male & of the hated race.

@FrayedBear Good Aryan stock myself 😉

@puff but you're Australian?

@FrayedBear Old chook's Dutch/ Freisland. Hitler would love me, not quite a pure blood but halfway there 😉 . Blonde haired, blue eyed, strikingly handsome 😀

@puff the 24 breaches arose from 3 judges at appeal telling me that they couldn't uphold international covenant signed by Australia because the Federal Parliament hadn't legislated it into Australian law. I was representing myself because, I was told, the Labor party withdrew all funding to divert it to the defence of Carmen Lawrence against murder charges in WA.
Not interesting that they could use US, UK & other foreign case law to justify decisions they made contrary to established Australian law & precedent.

@FrayedBear Gotcha! Carmen Lawrence. now that's a blast from the past. We do like signing shit, getting the photo op, then fail to enshrine shit in Australian law. Sounds like a Geoffery Robinson type thing. Overseas job with a QC, now KC (I was soooooooo tempted to chuck a "F" in the middle of that)

@puff Back in 1996 the fish net stocking wearer caused a bill to be introduced I think by the great white hope of Evans to lead the UN when the Administrative Decisions bill sought to formally deny the applicability of all such international conventions not ratified in local law.
Retrospective legislation is accepted as not being valid under any democratic rule.
These Australian judges simply identified the lack of quality & inherent ignorance on the bench.

@puff but you were born here or there?

@FrayedBear Here. If I went to Holland and said "Hi, I'm half Dutch" I'm pretty sure they would say "FO Aussie". Mum was a "get the hell out of Europe" 10 year old early 50's migrant. The 10 pound Pom era. Old man was a religious nutter kicked out of England, one of the first ships in SA. Yep, my forebear was a god botherer, sent out to convert heathens and annoy others no doubt..

@puff lots of the gb's particularly SA & Vic.


well written Puff. they couldn't even list the ingredient to the doctor as they never printed one

1patriot Level 8 Feb 28, 2024

Cheers. Also the formula used in trials differed from the one used in production. The longer time goes, the more dodgy this whole pharmaceutical covid response looks.

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