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Oh bloody hell. Have you seen what the imbeciles are doing Flinders Station in Melbourne. The cultural integrity of Melbourne has now taken a massive nosedive!

Geoffrey51 8 July 15
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Sorry to post this BUT haven't you Mexicans ( Victorians) got any thing more useful to do than whine about some " Railway Station ?"
Shit a brick mate, we've got a bloody MASSIVE drought affecting 60% of the Countryside side, here, towns, farms and Grazing Properties running out of water, Graziers running out feed for their stock ( the stock that supplies food, etc, to people like you and everyone else and YOU are worried a some poxy Railway Station.

Triphid Level 9 Sep 19, 2018

Well, I’m glad to see there is some passion about important matters out there. Probably best not relate this post to other Victorians as my view is not the view of others. However, if you feel an opinion not related to your interest group shouldn’t be posted there seems to be a breach of what this forum represents, i.e. free discussion. We can discuss the drought situation if you wish but it is unrelated to the post in question

@Geoffrey51 Well, I think the Drought situation is ONE of the most important matters facing the ENTIRE Country at present, just as are things like Unemployment, a LNP Government that, in my opinion couldn't manage to run a FREE Raffle in a Whorehouse with Condoms as the top 3 Prizes and here you are crying in your soup over a Railway Station.

Shit a brick mate, we have a Railway Station up here also, once, back BEFORE the governments PRIVATISED the Railways, we used to get a passenger train through here 6 times per, 3 to the East, 3 to the West and it would pick up passengers going either way ( i.e. to Sydney or to Adelaide or further west).
Now it's only TWICE per week, once from the East, once from the West and only picks up those who have enough of the "readies" and can afford the tickets.

Out here WE are 1,100 Kilometres from Sydney by rail, 512 Kilometres from Adelaide, NO regular or reliable interstate/intrastate Bus Service except to Mildura, only 1 available airline service running a cramped SAAB Turbo-prop with tickets costing easily an arm and a leg to purchase.

Stone the Crows, Geoffrey51, I reckon you don't know how bloody lucky you really are..


What are you whinging on. Victorian culture - []

FrayedBear Level 9 July 16, 2018

Hey, is there ' culture' in Victoria ? LOL.

@Triphid I used the word sarcastically and forgot that you can't hear my voice dripping with it. So thanks for the correction my sarcastic should be encased in "".

@FrayedBear No probs there mate. Hey, it would most likely have gone straight over the head of the " Cabbage Farmers" a.k.a Victorians anyway, after all, as the saying up here goes; Q. What has an I.Q. of 20 and digs holes? Ans. A Wombat, Q. What has a collective I.Q. of 20 and also digs holes? Ans. The population of Victoria....LOL.

@Triphid A lot of of my local population came from Adelaide and think that they are superior to those left behind.


I have no frame of reference here. So I will defer to my spiritual guide.


It's the horse, not the horse shit.

loved Tism!


Some sort of description or explanation would be very helpful.

Coffeo Level 8 July 15, 2018

They are lighting it up with tacky flashing lights!

@Geoffrey51 Blackpool Belle

@FrayedBear Ah Blackpool. I can almost smell the salt air! I remember it well?

@Geoffrey51 It was disingenuous and honest.

@FrayedBear Nothing wrong with Blackpool, one of the first Mecca's for working class families to enjoy themselves and get out of the mills and factories for a day. It was also the first council to have electric lighting around 1880 so that is what the illuminations are all about.

@Geoffrey51 Also the lights and trams were council run creating employment eventually for about a thousand men... A fantastic achievement particularly as no charge was made to view the lights. It all started by accident. A spur railway line was inadvisedly built in the mid 1800's. When no one used it - well who wanted to ho to a place of sanddunrs, marshes, subsistance farming, wind, and only a few hundred inhabitants? So they came up with cheap day trips during each mill town's "wake" week. Back then even though only 30-40 miles from the sea few inland dwellers had actually seen it. It wasn't the sea however that became the drawcard, no it was the fresh air! Milltown dwellers lived 51 weeks of the year subjected to coal smoke and soot pollution allong with cotton dust pollution and loom noise - the cotton mill song "Poverty poverty knock" is not only referring to slave like wages but the racket of the mill conditions. And that was how it started and grew into a 20 million visitor per year industry requiring a town of about 110,000 to service it. A grand place to grow up in, in the 50's and 60's. I'm not ashamed.

@billy11 That tide has been coming in for millenia. It used to flush the shit out but the EEC put a stop to that. But please explain how west is now east?

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