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We have to get religious people out of politics I think. They are the most dangerous inhumane group out there.
Would like to discuss this idea with people in Oz and also around the world.

Erik_T 4 Sep 3
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That would be discrimination. On the other hand in a world with so many different religions it would mean that someone would have to see them all as equal politically and not be favorable. As an atheist in a secular country I am able to keep the people involved in so many different religions equal as Australians. Politics and religion should be separate. I don't believe in any of them but many have a history that language, myths and a whole pile of interesting things can be learned. But as someone who doesn't believe I would have a bias towards it and it helping the country. I would try to keep religious(most private schools are) and public schools as equals but I can't say I'd follow through on that. I would have push-back on putting religion and creationism is religious classes that teach how to analyze many of our existing religions. In some countries Islam is associated with jihad (struggle & war) and the rules of war within its book (and terrorism), here it is the part that donates more than any other to charity. I'd have the science bias but I'd need someone to get tests peer reviewed and give the journals there own section so all would be submitted. I don't know if the ultimate flu shot or plastic is what would be studied so that's all up there. Anything medical that hasn't been retested, repeatable. An anti-fat study would have to have a fat part included, people with mostly carbs & a group that does whatever(the placebo group). I know that was the case with the 8 year coke-zero study with 45-60 year olds. I understand it's not perfect so un peer-reviewed studies would be labeled as such & visa versa. I'd be getting anthropologists on drought and flooding. I wouldn't be arguing merry Christmas or happy holidays.
That is a bias. I would be laws up to anarchy and see all law breaking of the past. I also would have open borders (but there would be registration to determine whether the people are asslym seekers or want to immigrate fully. I'd have builders teach in isolated communities. In Adelaide I would have a second housing trust, something based on home not amount of occupants. That'd be the first thing to go, paying less because you're in a relationship. That is bullshit. I'd have something that aboriginals outside major cities than painting. One of my favorite things about Julia Gillard was her flat atheism. I have plenty that is disagreed with. I would bring votes in on law or at least real debate. All politicians would have to say something other than 'the other guy/party sucks' you can say that put if they don't know your policy you'll look the same to all Australians.
In short I would like to be fair but honestly I agree with you.

Example of anarchy - J-walking. Anarchism isn't about breaking the law just not following those with no purpose.

Religions have discriminated against both each other and Non-Believers, ESPECIALLY Non-Believers, for centuries, wiped out entire cultures/ethnicities, slaughtered untold millions, meddled in the lives of virtually every human being has lived since the inception of religions/religious beliefs and now we hear of them screaming like wild cats for " Religious Tolerance and Freedom." Where exactly was their tolerance towards those they persecuted in the past ?
Religion and Politics DO NOT belong together, they SHOULD be kept separate from each other at ALL times NO MATTER what.


as a secularist myself i can only agree vehemently.


Not all religious people are as you describe!
All religions are nonsense, but we can't help how we are brought up, which is why we are as we are, in many ways. And many religious people are wonderful!
While intellectually I repudiate the resurrection of "Christ", my outlook and behaviour are still deeply influenced by years of indoctrination.
I am furious that I and millions of others are imposed on by adults who should not be allowed to impose anything, apart from life skills, on us!
If only parents knew of and taught these things, instead of the nonsense that replaces sense!

Bad parenting is not restricted to the imposing of nonsensical religious views on children; ignorance, isolation, lack of help, ineptitude, and malevolence are more damaging.
Get parenting right, so children will grow up to be autonomous, wise, rational adults.
But that will probably never happen, so we are back to dealing with life as it is.
Ignore everything I have written.
Carry on.

You might want a chat with your editor, lol.


Hi. I totally agree. Politics should be secular. There is no room for extreme religious views of any persuasion.

Historically, secular views aren't so hot either. Try Napoleonic France and the Russian Revolution. Its not the politics, its the people!

If Christians really followed that book of theirs, they would agree that politics should be secular.

@Ozman If they really followed their religions there would be a lot less people within those religions.

@Geoffrey51 Ideologies don't usually F#@up people, People F#@ up Ideologies just as Guns DO NOT deliberately go out of their way to KILL people, People with Guns USE guns to kill other people.
Religions are governed solely by the desires of those who lead them, i.e. Greed/Avarice, the desire for power over others, etc, etc.

@Geoffrey51, @DragonDust 101% CORRECT there DragonDust, without a shadow of a doubt on that comment.

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