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Perhaps our illustrious leadership wish to consider Australian interests before sprouting what their handlers instruct them to.
Arsehole Israeli pm has already twittered to the world Aust will move our embassy


powder 8 Oct 16
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We were almost the country with both a North and a South Korean embassy. We also used to be the third best developed country in environmental policy. Now we're making new coal refineries(which is 2-6% of GDP we are effected the same by Coffee, if we just dropped Gina entirely we wouldn't go into recession or anything) that even they don't want.
If only there was votes or something we could change things with...

DragonDust Level 6 Oct 22, 2018

I honestly think that it is HIGH time for the peoples of Australia, workers, pensioners, unemployed, etc, to rise up and form their own Political Party, a party governed by the true meaning of Democracy, with a true Social and Environmental Conscience, completely open and free of outside influences such as religions, the Big money end of town, etc, and a Party where the PEOPLE have their say and it is heard and acted upon.
For far too long have WE been apathetic and now look where it has gotten us.


With ScumMo and the LNP now having lost the Blue Ribbon Seat of Wentworth( Turdball's) old Electoral Seat to an Independent, ScumMo and his mob are now on a minority footing, Hoobloodyrah.
Odds on there be heaps of praying by ScumMo in the Hillsong Church this Sunday.
Pray on ScumMo, pray as long and hard as you like, only the roof and walls will be listening, sorry to tell you this BUT there is NO God, you're on your own, up shit creek in a barbed wire canoe, no life jacket and a cake fork as a paddle, so sad, too bad, I'm GLAD.

Triphid Level 9 Oct 20, 2018

I vote ALP. But then I've spent over 5 minutes looking into their histories and what they've actually done as parties. We had an atheist PM and we had decent policy. We avoided recession.

@DragonDust Yes and since then the ALP has back-slid very badly in my opinion, would you not agree?

@Triphid Liberal still is worse. The back-slid of TPP11 is an incredibly powerful agreement that spilt the party. Overall we are better off with Labor than Liberal. We aren't going to have Green, an independent will eventually have to create or become part of an existing party. The best things Liberal said they'd do are bad copies of policies labor already had. Outside the TPP11 agreement? No I think that the labor party has kept to it's base as a socialist party.


I wondered how long our "Happy Clappy" prime minister would start to follow the Armageddon fan club.

BanjoTango Level 5 Oct 17, 2018

I'd think that since he is already a Member of the Hillsong " Happy Clappy Club" he'd be one of those who are eagerly awaiting the Rapture just like the rest of the millions of Death Cult Xtians.
See attached meme of Death Cultist Xtians waiting for the first flight to Paradise.


Since the country of ISRAEL has only TRULY existed since 1948, originally and historically PALESTINE, (Judaea and Galilee in Ancient Roman times) and the Exalted Scum Mo so much wants to one of those war-mongering Jews, btw I'm not Anti-Semitic either, just stating FACTS) then I suggest we passed around the hat and raise the fare form him emigrate there on a PERMANENT Basis.

Triphid Level 9 Oct 16, 2018

@powder We could probably send him by C.O.D. Freight, it'd be far cheaper.


Not really all that surprising ... Oz is just the lapdog of the big bozos from the USofA

Yes, and most sadly the Liberal Party made us the lapdogs of the Seppos, aka Septic Tanks-Yanks.

@Triphid I had never come across the expression seppos ... thanks!

@PontifexMarximus No problem there my friend.
During and after WWII the yanks were also known over here as " Overs," i.e. Over-Paid, Over-fed and Over Here, but it was my Dad who taught me to refer to them as 'Seppos,' since just like a Septic Tank " Nothing Good goes in and Nothing good comes out,"
We, older generation Aussie here in the Outback, also have other nicknames for them but they can't be mentioned on a public forum like this unfortunately.

@Triphid thank you for enlightening me.

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