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Fred Nile MLC New South Wales upper house parliamentarian in his usual God bothering manner wishes to enact definition of foetal human existence as a legal entity. The wimmin and their supporters are claiming this is a breach of women rights.


What do you think?

FrayedBear 9 Oct 25
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Well for me this is a difficult question. Prior to becoming a paramedic (in the early 80's) I was all for women choosing. However, after having to watch an 18 week abortion as part of my training in an operating theatre, and seeing arms and legs being ripped out (not being inflammatory, that is how it was done) I changed my mind. However, whilst the fetus cannot survive on it's own, is it a person? With rights? Typical god bothering plonker though to cause a big problem with this. Tell Fred Nile to foxtrot Oscar and mind his own business!

davers Level 7 Nov 22, 2018

My daughter was born at 28 week. One little darling in the RNS neonatal was a 24 weeker. That was over 35 years ago. Perhaps survival has improved so that 20 weekers are now viable. Until getting into horrendous arguments with women claiming right to abort I had never realised that my experiences had made me a right to lifer.

A recent post in "Food Glorious Food" include a balute - a part formed duck in it's shell still with egg yolk and white, the whole being cooked and then eaten.
I likened it to an abortion in a shell. Your training experience would have been horrific and I'm not sure how it contributed to your training.



no fucking way is someone (in this case male - really!?) who did nothing to legislate easier ways to contraceptive methods (free, unconditional, reversible tubal ligation for one) for every woman, no matter the age or circumstances, no bloody way is he entitled to even pronounce the word foetus. it is bad enough that up to this day it is mainly left to the woman to prevent pregnancy, getting patronized about the wretched issue by men is just one over the top. fuck back off into the womb you came from, f.n.!!


I thought he was dead too. Why isn't he?

Coffeo Level 8 Oct 25, 2018

What, that demented, antiquated OLD Fart, Nile is still sucking up good oxygen that some better, decent, more intelligent human being could be breathing?
When is that dozy old Twat going to get down off of his ' cross' and let some poor, cold, deserving pensioner have a bit of much needed firewood to keep them warm in winter?
I've also signed and e-mailed the letter to the Representatives.

Triphid Level 9 Oct 25, 2018
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