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"People no longer understand how hold a rational conversation. Social media users have become savvy at crafting short and snarky comments, but utter failures when it comes listening any voice that did not originate in their heads.

Instead, flags are raised and separate camps declared; traitors to the cause are unfriended and blocked; verbal incendiaries are lobbed from these guarded positions, while the level of hate continues to climb towards breaking point. The center won't hold under such conditions.

Listening to the other side requires wisdom, patience and in some cases admitting that you are wrong. Sadly and potentially tragically, few Americans are prepared to concede their mistakes, and that will only guarantee more wanton aggression and hate against innocents in the future."


And it seems that the disease has spread to some members.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
Hate in the heartland: America is stumbling towards disaster one virulent tweet at a time []

FrayedBear 9 Jan 26
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An excellent post. As someone in transition in my thinking, I find it off-putting when someone attacks me for being an idiot because I've been a person of faith. It's especially unhelpful when that person won't deal with the actual issue or argument under discussion.
Those who listen and engage with the issue being discussed will be far more convincing. Thanks for your post @FrayedBear

Doubting Level 6 Jan 26, 2019

yes, but ... not only in america, & not just on this forum. on my roadtrip through australia i meet folks, often travellers themselves, who have tales to tell - as have i. approximately 50% of these people are equally willing (or able?) to listen as to share their story. of the other half there is a surprising large number of oldies who prefer the announcement style = no reply required. just my observation in real life, no analysis intended.

This post also appears in general postings, uk atheists and Out of the Illusion group as you are aware and have already commented. It is interesting that subtle variations of opinion are coming through.

So far there has been little response from the subscribers to groups who perpetrate the questioned behaviours.


Hmmmmm I thought this was supposed to be a haven from the toxicity that prevails on other social sites. The optic is here is focused mainly on the States but here in Canada and I am sure in Australia it is the same. I would hope that we all make an effort to maintain this as a site where we all can exist without the irritation of trolling.

Simmer51 Level 6 Jan 26, 2019

It appears that some groups are set up to bait others with their posts. As some members mention it is ok to troll xtians but not atheists, it is ok to troll and allow misandry but not misogyny, it is ok to slander the right in politics but not the left, violence only occurs against women and is only perpetrated by men, female circumcision is a crime male circumcision isn't, a Kennedy or Clinton sexual misdemeanour is not sex but pussy groping by Trump is an horrendous crime? Not even the best optician can correct vision like that.


I agree totally. There are sometimes the Facebook type ad hominim responses.which demeans the whole site.

Geoffrey51 Level 8 Jan 26, 2019
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