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G'Day viewers,
I've lived in Asia the better part of the last 2 decades, having returned 7odd months ago after 8 years. I just went to get a bike licence and was told I had to do a pre- learner course. Honestly, WTF is this revenue making shit?
What happens if I fail? I'm not allowed to learn anymore?
Wtf has happened back here? Every cunt seems to be wearing hiviz clothing, can't do this, can't do that. It's nanny state city.

powder 8 Mar 26
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Hiviz clothing is usually issued free and has been adopted readily by the sheeple who do not want to be (dare not) seen different to their neighbours and are not allowed to be different to fellow workers when it comes to hi viz safety and workers comp insurance companies dictating what happens.
I'm surprised that they haven't already banned motorbikes from the roads because of the high average cost of each accident in terms of personal injury cost compared to motor vehicle cost.

FrayedBear Level 9 Mar 26, 2019

@powder VicPol wouldn't!

@powder NSW licence 24/7 on the person for the last 40+ years.

I can see the point about wearing HiVIS clothing in Industrial situations from the OH and S aspect of things since I worked on the N.S.W. Railways for over 10 years, but it beats me why, in broad daylight, people seem to NEED to wear HIVIS clothing, etc, for merely walking down a footpath in a CBD, etc, or riding a motorbike or a pushbike,
At night it'd be a safe thing to do, but in broad daylight?
I rode motorbikes for years and never wore leathers, except for a leather jacket in winter or when it was raining, always rode with my headlight and taillight on day or night even when they weren't 'hot-wired' in as they are now. Only ever had 2 prangs, 1 was due to a bus driver who couldn't be bothered to give way to a vehicle on his right hand side and the other to a drunk, so tanked up to eyeballs, that before he failed to give way to me on his right hand side he had clipped 2 parked cars less than 100 feet away. Both prangs happened at night, both times my light were on and both times it was in well lit streets.

@Triphid The only comment that I can make on bike accidents relates to my brother who was killed riding a brand new 650cc Honda by another inexperienced bike rider hitting him head on at a corner on my brother's side of the road. It was at dusk and the other rider was wearing an illegal black-visored helmet. My brother taught the London Metropolitan Police how to ride motorbikes. He was killed instantly. The other biker lost an eye and I was told was banned for three months.

@FrayedBear Some people, in my opinion, should NEVER be allowed to drive cars or ride motorbikes let alone even push a pram.


Why can't you convert your Thai license?

FrayedBear Level 9 Mar 26, 2019

@powder I bet they do it the other way round - why don't you point out that is how you got your Thai licence 8 years ago.

At most you should only have to prove that you know the highway code or whatever they call it now.


Lol. Welcome home y'old cunt. And don't say hello to a woman on the street she'll have you up for sexual harassment.

FrayedBear Level 9 Mar 26, 2019

And if you dare question the competency or efficiency of medical practitioner including his efficiency at ripping off medicare with overcharging, you will be escorted out by the police and charged with causing a disturbance then banned for 3 months and fuck their duty of care to patients.

In Victoria they are now pushing for mandatory retesting for license at 70.
We are governed by minds bankrupt of creating meaningful wealth and employment instead relying on primary industry and man made shortage, population growth and inflation to
increase house prices to benefit GDP, governments, local councils, tradies, land sharks, finance and real estate industries.

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