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Hey Fellows Aussies i think i once saw Black Jesus in the Outback he said he could feed 5 thousand people with 2 Kangaroos and 1 goanna .

AdrianDiadato3 5 Oct 16
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WTF, just 2 'roos and 1 goanna, he's got to be kidding given that everything out in the bush these days is literally starving to death or dying from thirst you'd be pushing shit up hill to even scrape up enough for a McDonalds Children's meal these days.
Hey, did you hear the one about the Catholic Missionary and the Aboriginal tribe?
It goes like this,
Way back in the early days, a Catholic Missionary, traveling and preaching through the bush, comes upon a tribe sitting by a billabong.
He gets invited to sit, eat and talk with them and then asks if he can convert them to Christianity.
The tribal leader agrees and is taken into the billabong, dunked into the water and the Missionary says, " Go in Heathen, come out Christian."
After converting and baptising the whole tribe the Missionary tells them that they " Must not EAT red meat on a Friday from now on."
A few weels go by and the Missionary comes across the same tribe, same billabong and there they sit, dining happily on a 'roo cooked in the campfire.
The Missionary goes into a rage at the tribal leader about breaking the church ruling about eating red meat on friday, etc, when they are now Christians.
The wise old Tribal Leader mere ly gets up and says to the Missionary, " No problem there boss, me just take 'roo into billabong, dunk him in water and say, Go in meat, come out fish."

Triphid Level 9 Oct 16, 2019

Haha your Tribal leader must've met Black Jesus ..

@AdrianDiadato3 Nah, he was just an ordinary Aboriginal, the truth is 'black jesus was just well sun-tanned white fella.

@AdrianDiadato3, @Triphid and if you believe that let me tell you that Ted Egan learnt the Goanna Drover from Tony's father in exchange for a bottle of Bundy.

@FrayedBear Nah Mate, Ted got that one from my Grandfather BUT Grandad was actually droving a mob of 10,000 Starlings across country to Western Australia at the time.....LOL.

@Triphid Ted's not that old! I think he may have hit a big one recently and released a new cd. I see that he is now 87. How old was your granddad when was he droving the starlings? 😉

@FrayedBear Depends on which Granddad you're asking about, the one my mother's side or on my Dad's side.

@Triphid Y'mean that they both were starling drovers together. Wheee that called "keeping business in the family" ! They both taught Ted?

@FrayedBear Nah, on my mother's side he was a Station Master at the Silverton Tramway Company, don't get confused by the name though, the S.T.C. was a privately owned and quite profitable Railways Company in Broken Hill BUT State Legislations would NOT allow it to be called a Railways, hence the 'Tramways' bit was used. His father also worked for the S.T.C. before him as well.
On my Dad's side, well he was a miner in the Bendigo-Ballarat region of Victoria, moved to Broken Hill to work in the Mines here and died in mining accident when my Father was just 12 years old.
So you see I was just pulling your legs with the "Droving Starlings bit'......LOL.

@Triphid I did use a 😉 a few replies back which is the nearest emoji I know off to expressing that my tongue is in cheek. Did you watch the ABC programme on Monash & WWI this morning? Very interesting that Australia's greatest commander in chief was of German Jewish origin and had to put up with the mendacity of Murdoch & Bean creating a witch hunt against him.

@FrayedBear Hey don't knock Charles Bean mate, he was a 'blood and guts' war correspondent totally pissed off with the Pommie General in Charge at Gallipoli and ALL total 'fuck ups' he caused, etc.
Try getting hold a dvd called " Deadline Gallipoli." it IS an eye-opener and well worth the watching.
Keith Murdoch ( Father of Wrinkley Rupert Turdoch btw) was one of, if NOT, the main forces behind evacuating our Anzacs from that bloody slaughter fest debacle, between him and Bean they pushed for it despite the Pommie Hierarchy refusing. point blank, to allow it since, in their opinion, evacuation WOULD cost OVER 80% of lives to be lost in doing so.
Of course, the Poms were dead wrong since we all know that the evacuation was 100% successful thanks mainly to Aussie ingenuity with the use of drip-tins to fire unattended rifles and the 100 or so volunteers who stayed until very last minute to create a subterfuge to make the Turks think that everything was unchanged and that's how the evacuation was so successful.

@Triphid I suspect that Monash's abilities and ingenuity saved far more lives (Australian, English & French) than Murdoch and Bean's anglophobia saved Australian lives at Gallipoli.
I too do not applaud Churchill's strategy or dull intelligence over Gallipoli.

@FrayedBear According to records Monash was also against the Gallipoli evacuation until Bean and Murdoch got through to Australian Ambassador in England, then the real PUBLIC Uproar started and the shit hit the fan.

@Triphid Monash wasn't perfect.

@FrayedBear No-one truly is, But, he was a Pommie arse-licker early in his military career but nowhere near as bad as was the Pig-Iron Bob Menzies I might add and Pig-Iron Bob remained a Pommie Arse-licker right up until his timely death.

@Triphid But for the fact that they are gobsmackingly inbred and indoctrinated in god-bothering nonsense (read of the Antwerp murder about 25 years ago [] I'm amazed that no one has done to his Jeparit, Victoria spire and ashes what they did to Nelson's Dublin Column in 1976!


Nah, come to Sydney, Australia and Coogee. You can't beat its Virgin Mary - my old friends "The Wheeze & Suck" band:

FrayedBear Level 9 Oct 16, 2019

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