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AW Gee and Golly gosh, (sarcasm MOST definitely intended here) those 'poor' people in the Hunter Valley region of New South Wales are ever so upset BECAUSE they have copped a bit of dust of late and "just live with it being dusty every now and again," my heart bleeds for them.
Perhaps those poor little diddums would like to try coming out here for a while and sweeping the floors, verandas, etc, each day to remove the dust just to have to do it all over the next day after a wee bit of a breeze stir it up around the bush and dumps it right back you've just finished getting rid of it.

Triphid 9 Oct 24
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If you leave it, it will look like red velvet, you just have to refrain from disturbing it.

Jolanta Level 9 Oct 24, 2019

No way, every time it starts to blow up dust around the region my Asthma plays merry hell with me and in summer my evap. air cooler would create its own dust storm as well.
Yes, I know I could move to a less dusty climate/region BUT, A) I was born here and despite its shortcomings I love living here, and, B) I own my home, I have very good friends here AND I hate big cities.

@Triphid Yes, I can understand. I wasn't born here in Canberra but have lived here for many, many years, have friends, family here so it would be difficult to leave, although there are some places in the world I would like to try to have a go at living.


Do like Quentin Crisp and don't dust - after four years it doesn't get any deeper just compresses more and more.
And of course if you spray it every week with diluted PVA glue it will form a long lasting solid protective barrier on your wood and lino.

As for Hunter Valley - I'm told that it is now the home for the "world owes me" pot smoking pretentious sub 75 IQ winos & crack heads, and they say that's just the fat, flat footed pregnant young women, driven out by Sydney's overcrowding and Mt Druit by the Sea's (Ettalong) lack of paying customers!

FrayedBear Level 9 Oct 24, 2019

Now don't pick on those poor little diddums in the Hunter, they've got problems with dust....LOL.
FFS, over 60+% of this State is in severe and prolonged Drought conditions and they ARE complaining because, maybe, a bit of dirt gets mixed in with Hashish from time to time.....LOL.


Sorry typo again, missed putting "can't' between " just" and "live".

Triphid Level 9 Oct 24, 2019

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