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What it is to live in an ex convict colonial country, Australia, and your people, the original inhabitants of the land, were only recognised as citizens in the mid sixties -


FrayedBear 9 Nov 4
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Bull crap as they wheren't the first inhabitants of this continent. Evidence has been found of a race of Pygmys who were wiped out by the abos and new studies point to a third race of humans around the time of Neanderthols and Homos Erectus with a gene pool found in Central Australia. Also they weren't a society but a large number of separate tribes fighting and killing each other and never a one people until the white invaders conquered the country just like 99% of other countries around the world.

The pygmy ancestors I once read can still be found in a few families in I think the Townsville area. There were over 800 tribes and yes they frequently killed each other. Conveniently forgotten by many.
Do you have an url to the third race information.


Yes, a large percentage of us had Convict Ancestors and that IS NO shame for anyone to have bear since this country WAS an Intentional Dumping Ground for the Poms.
Most convicts sent here were sentenced for minor crimes such as stealing food to feed their families, etc, some sent here for speaking out against Regime that oppressed them in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
As to the 'problem' of Indigenous Incarcerations, well, in my opinion, and as one who is to some extent part Aboriginal, the problem seems to be that this 'problem (???)' is made up of a few salient parts/points and those being;
A) Those who see the 'problem' from their comfy academic point of view in Universities, etc, ONLY see what they WANT to see,
B) In most Urban areas and small towns/cities throughout the country THERE is BLATANTLY OBVIOUS attitude amongst the younger generations of Aboriginals that " They see themselves as being ABOVE the White Fellas Laws and thus are untouchable," For example, on last Sunday the corner shop no more than 5 minutes walk from my home was held up and robbed by an Aboriginal man aged approx. 20-30 years old with an accomplice waiting in the car outside, the lady at the counter WAS badly traumatised by all of this,she IS very pleasant, kind and wonderful person whom I know quite well. That makes the 3rd robbery to occur in that little group of shops in less than a year and ALL were done by young Aboriginals.
C) IT IS a fact that the Aboriginal Peoples DO get far more SPECIAL services and treatments from the Governments than do other Australians DESPITE what these bleeding-heart Academics would you believe, BUT the BIGGEST wastage of the monies these younger Aboriginal Generations receive IS on Alcohol and Drugs to name but a few,
D) There IS NO incentive for many younger Aboriginals to seek out employment EVEN if there is employment available since, unlike their other Australian counterparts, they CANNOT be DENIED Unemployment Benefits for NOT actively seeking employment, etc.
E) Aboriginal children of School Age ARE given a minimum of $10.00 per week to attend to school, MUST be provided with FREE School uniforms, etc, AND FREE Lunches upon request EVERY School day. YET, there are NO regulations to state that these children MUST attend school 5/7 days for every school semester, instead, they only attend when either, i) it IS convenient for them, or ii) when it is convenient for the parent/s to send them to school, were that to be done by Non-Aboriginal parents/children THERE would be a Truant Officer knocking on the door post-haste.
If one were to come out in regions like this and see what is actually by the occupants to the housing provided for them, they'd be shocked to the core upon seeing good, well constructed, brick and mortar houses with windows smashed out, parts of the tiled roofs torn off and removed, flooring materials such as floorboards torn up and burnt for 'campfires' in both the back and front yards usually amongst piles of rubbish ranging from 2 -3 or more feet in height, inside these houses one can also find, food scraps and rubbish strewn everywhere, dirty nappies just tossed away into corners AND most houses WILL have the toilets blocked up and full the brim with human faeces, etc, etc, these self-same houses have had, at rough estimate, in the last 15+ years a total of 20+ MILLION dollars spent on them, besides the INITIAL Building costs, for renovations/refurbishments alone.
What I have stated here ARE FACTS, 100% TRUE Facts and not, in any, shape nor form RACIST biased comments.

Triphid Level 9 Nov 4, 2019

Having been targetted by the local aboriginal co-op medical practice for discrimination in service and having a 76 friend mugged by a black fella I'm not surprised and have previously heard of similar floorboard incidents.

@FrayedBear Yeah, I know what it is like, I had a black fella, quite a few years ago now, try his hand at both trespassing AND thieving from my tool shed one late afternoon.
But my Blue Heeler, Charlie, soon showed him the 'error' of his ways, Charlie seldom barked, he just went in and grabbed with his teeth the nearest available body part, which this time happened to be the 'family jewels' of the intruder.
After the police arrived and requested that I get my dog to release the offender, the cuffed him, the offender, took him first to be charged, THEN to the hospital were he received 32 sutures to close up the wounds from Charlie's bite and the next morning the 2 policemen returned to my house and presented Charlie with 1 jilo of fresh sausages as his reward.
The offender got, for his troubles, 3 years in gaol and was released after 2 years and 6 months on a Good Behaviour Bond for another 3 years.
My other next door neighbor, a lady in her late 70's, ALWAYS carries with her a spray can of Aerogard these days since she has been accosted quite a few times by indigenous muggers herself and as we are NOT permitted here in Australia to have or carry Pepper Spray she swears by the Aerogard method as a deterrent for would-be muggers.

@Triphid A long dead mate favoured a cannister of white pepper in each pocket.
3 years sounds a bit severe for 32 stitches and empty pockets.
I thought that in their culture they traditionally have no concept of ownership. It seems however to rapidly change once they aspire to white greed and love of Mammon.

@FrayedBear Oh, I forgot to mention that the offender was wanted for other home break-ins as well and suspected of being involved at least 2 others.
Just by sheer chance when I was walking to the Supermarket to get some bread yesterday arvo, who did I see coming towards, him, you know he still walks in a very odd and funny way.

@Triphid Poor fella! Your dog's probably long gone and he still has lasting effects.

@Triphid It's a wonder that you haven't had the bones pointed at you and rattled,

@FrayedBear Ssssh, don't let on BUT Charlie, the Blue Heeler died just 3 years ago next month aged at a nice 16 years. He went to sleep in his 'special old armchair in HIS special room' one night and didn't wake the next morning.
Still miss the great company the old fella was and now he's no longer around to remind me when it's smoko time, so I can't share a coffee or tea with him anymore.

@Triphid He still lives in your thoughts though. Long live Charlie.

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