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I post this idea NOT as a 'knee-jerk' response to the push by our Happy Clappy Jesus Chappy Prime Minister and his equally, in my opinion, Happy Clappy Kabal but because we, the Aussie Atheists, Agnostics, etc, have absolutely NO say what so ever in our Governments.
Therefore, I am humbly suggesting that we all consider the possibility and, if in agreement, work towards creating our OWN Political Party.
Yes, I realise that we may not make much of a head-way in the next Election/s but, given the recent push for Religious Freedoms, IF we don't do something NOW we will be relegated back to almost where we were not so many centuries ago.
My suggestion for the name of our Party could be something along the lines of the following unless someone has a better and more apt title,
F.F.R.I.G. = Freedom From Religion in Governments.
Main points of the Manifesto being.

  1. The complete and irrevocable REMOVAL of ANY and ALL Religious References, Rites, etc, from ALL forms of Government in Australia, including Local, State and Federal.
  2. Equality of everyone, religious or non-religious to hold to what ever they think or believe without fear of recourse or vilification,
  3. Religions/Religious Practices SHOULD be confined to Churches and Private Dwellings ONLY,
  4. ALL Citizens of Australia shall be accorded the Rights as per those deemed and enacted by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and such Rights be considered s being Sacrosanct and Inviolable under ANY circumstance/s.
    These are but my thoughts/ideas and I'd be only too glad and happy to hear what any others may wish add, etc.
Triphid 9 Dec 1
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Move over Pauline.

Now is that NOT being just a bit sarcastic there.

@Triphid She got there. And is still there.

@FrayedBear Yeah, but in my opinion she is about as much use as Tits on a Bull at best.
I'm TRYING to get a bit of sense and reasoning into politics in Australia in a way that might just benefit everyone, in particular those of us, the Atheists/Agnostics, etc, who really have NO say at all in the Government of Australia, something which is becoming very very apparent under the Morriscum Government these days.
And yet, in my opinion, it seems that so far all anyone wants to do is just sit back, whine and complain about a new idea that might just have potential.

@Triphid Many have probably experienced puttting their head above the parapet only to have it shot at if not severely injured. Reluctance after that is simple Pavlovian response to not put your head above the parapet again.

@Triphid Furthermore are any of them more useful than your "tits on a bull"?

@FrayedBear And is not failing to stick your neck out when truly needed to more than likely is the prime cause and reason why this country is going down the drain faster than a soggy turd?

@FrayedBear Some once were, but now days most of them are as useful as a tissue paper condom in an Orgy.

@Triphid on sticking your neck out I frequently quote Pastor Martin Niemöller

First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
Martin Niemöller

For number 2 what do you do when someone says that female genital mutilation is part of their religion? The sacrificing of animals etc. It needs very careful wording to make sure that it can not be twisted as in a new law passed in America where a teacher can not mark a students work incorrect if it is their religious belief. ie evolution vs creationism.
But have at it and good luck.

Budgie Level 8 Dec 2, 2019

Well they were only suggested articles for the Party, I'm open to anything helpful as well as anyone interested in trying to get our voices across.

Why limit yourself to fmg. Circumcision is just as barbaric and harmful to both the circumcised and women. IMO it results in violence against women by men who know that they have been betrayed by the person biologically tasked with protecting them in childhood.

@FrayedBear So, Fraybear and everyone else, WHY not get on board and help instead of merely winging and whining like a mob of Nay-sayers?
Do you want to try an keep religions where they should be kept and NOT in our governments and everyday lives, or you just too scared to stand up and make your mark in society?

@Triphid because at the moment I am worried at work about some things going on in the background, fighting my late father's wife for the chance to see a copy of his will let alone any of his property and I am exhausted. I saw this on the feed and had a thought but my brain is not functioning much past that. When I have everything else sorted then I stand a chance of helping more.

@Budgie Well considering the new Liberal-National Government 'push' to completely eradicate any and ALL influences of Unions and Unionism in Australia I think NOW is the time to stand up and be counted BEFORE every worker become little more than a serf under the thumb of the Bosses and the Company Board Members.
Just out of curiosity, when was the last time you heard of ANYONE having these working conditions, etc,

  1. a garaunteed 40 hour working week, with,
  2. garaunteed penalty rates for shift work, i.e. time and a half for Afternoon/Saturdays and Double time for Night shifts? Sundays and Public Holidays,
  3. Shifts lasting ONLY 8 hours BEFORE becoming eligable to be classed as Overtime if required to work longer than the 8 hours.
  4. 4 weeks of Annual Leave plus 1 extra week for shift working plus an extra day for EVERY Public Holiday worked, and,
  5. 3 sick days per year WITHOUT having to have a Doctor's Certificate?
    ALL of these were once a STANDARD right obtained by the Unions and the Workers, does your present employment/employer allow these for you any more?
    IF, your answer is NO then you've already been sold down the river.

@Triphid Should I mention that I am one of the reps for the union at work, have been branch secretary and go to the annual conference. So I have not been sold down the river I am struggling in the current on so many issues.

@Budgie Well then I'm definitely on your side, like my Dad I've always been a very staunch unionist as you would understand since I was born, raised and lived in Broken Hill for most of my life.


Great idea but you've got your work cut out.

Coffeo Level 8 Dec 1, 2019

That's why I am earnestly hoping that other Aussie Atheists/Agnostics, etc, will come on board.
I've never been one to turn down a challenge, especially a challenge that is for the benefit of others.

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