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This is bullshit and makes a mockery of science and oversight.
Anti vaxxers are slightly deranged for the most part but I support the stand the govt should not force people, compel people to accept injections.
This story supports that position.


powder 8 Dec 3
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It seems to me that the derangement lays with the requirements of organisations demanding that in date medicine be in their clients possession. If it is the organisation's insurer's requirement surely the responsibility is in the hands of that organisation just as they are responsible for trip hazards, electrical equipment etc. Furthermore why has society got to the stage that leople cannot lead their lives the way they wish not the way some namby pamby dictates?


There is a great difference between the needs for Epipens for Severe Allergic Reactions and Vaccinations against communicable diseases such as Measle, Rubella, Whooping Cough, etc, etc.
So do NOT get them mixed up for starters.
It only takes for 1 single, unvaccinated child with a very early onset of Measles for example, undiagnosed by the parent/s to go to school or a pre-school and it WILL not only infect every other child there but every OTHER child/Adult it comes in contact with, then the contacts expand exponentially as each subsequent child contacts other children and adults in turn.
Whereas Severe Allergic Reactions, such as Nut Allergies for example, like Cancers are NOT communicable in any way, shape nor form.
No-one knows for certain exactly how many people died BEFORE vaccines for Smallpox were discovered, the same applies for the Great Spanish Flu Epidemic in the early 20th. Century as well.
Before vaccinations for Poliomyelitis were discovered and used Polio was responsible for untold deaths, cripplings, etc, of young and old world-wide just as has been Measles, Rubella, Whooping Cough and a very vast range of other now preventable diseases.
Yes, a quick jab with a needle during the vaccination process can be a sometimes painful shock to a little child/baby BUT dying from the disease that was preventable is far, far worse than you can ever hope to imagine and you CAN trust me on that one since I've, a nurse, seen first-hand, and very sadly as well, what these poor little children go through before they finally succumb to the disease and die, IT IS not a pretty sight in the least.
In 1972, my eldest sister blatantly refused to have my nephew, Grahame, vaccinated against Measles, etc, simply because, in her exact words, " It was inconvenient for her to have to take him to the Doctor at the time," 3 months later, after Measles went through town like a runaway train, Grahame contracted Measles which in turn resulted in him having Meningitis as well, it took the poor child, only 2 years and 4 months of age, 3 whole weeks of pain and SHEER agony to die very, very slowly despite Doctors doing absolutely EVERYTHING in their power to try and save him from a death that was 100% preventable.

Triphid Level 9 Dec 3, 2019

@powder No there is shortage in production of Epipens just as there have been shortages of Flu Vaccines, etc, happening from time to time, usually these shortages occur mainly because of higher than expected demands happening.
As for vaccinations being a " carrot and stick' kind of 'ploy,' ask yourself this question, Is the right of one or two parent/s more important than the potential risk of serious and possible deaths from ANY preventable sickness or disease of a child or children?
I don't know if you have any children BUT would you deliberately place them in harms way by simply NOT having them vaccinated?
I agree 100% with the idea that unvaccinated children should NOT be allowed into schools, etc, with other children, these unvaccinated children are NOT ONLY a risk to themselves BUT also a risk to others as well, a very, very high and dangerous risk to say the very least.
Human kind is, after all is said and done, a Community, a vey very LARGE Community and can be easily equated to a wall made of bricks and mortar, 1 weak brick or weak mortar joint and the entire wall can come crashing down, so it can easily be with an unvaccinated child/person mingling with others, the infection spreads and the community is ravaged in even biblical proportions just as happened with the Bubonic Plague outbreaks in Europe, etc, where millions died.
Death and diseases play no game of favourites, they know no man-made national borders, they see and acknowledge no ethnic/race differences, creeds or whatever, they just strike and do their worst then move on and ONLY vaccinations and prevention measures can either slow them or stop them, take those away and we ARE helpless.

@powder As I stated earlier the parental rights to deny vaccinations to their child/children should NOT outweigh the risks and dangers that such a decision/right may cause to others.

To borrow a line from Mr. Spock of the original Star Trek series, " The needs of the many should always outweigh the needs of the few."

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