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Hohoho it's the time to be jollie and out fraudulent corporate behaviour. Australian supermarket chain Coles increased the price of milk in order to raise to help drought afflicted farmers. Other supermarket chains were forced to do the same resulting in an overall increase in the price of milk at a time when market forces should be driving prices down. It has just been determined that they have not passed the the onto the farmers.


FrayedBear 9 Dec 4
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Before prices were even raised this could've been predicted. I agree that nestle shouldn't own Australia's water though.

It is not only Nestlé.




There is at least one very good point in favour of Coles, they have donated literally dozens of truck-loads of bottled water for towns and farmers in the Darling River area who are either out of drinkable water or are very very close to running out of it.
And ALL at their own costs, including the haulage costs as well.

Triphid Level 9 Dec 5, 2019

Coca Cola bought the Mangrove Mountain bottling plant, a small family run business taking water from the aquifer. The NSW government allowed them I think a thousandfold increase in the water quantity at a cost of a fraction of a cent per thousand litres of water. They & Coles sell it for $1-$2 per litre in the supermarkets. Coles making $millions each year.

@FrayedBear And HOW much are ALL the other Supermarkets raking as well.
Sounds very much to me as though you have some sort of an Anti-Coles thing going on.
Yet I haven't owned or driven a car since late 2005, I take the bus to do my grocery shopping and get a taxi to bring them home.
I tried asking Woolies to ring a taxi for me numerous times ( I don't ow or use a Mobile phone either btw) and they refused point blank. Plus Woolies have the most unfriendly Check-out Staff I've have ever met.
So I decided to switch to Coles, which at the time meant an even longer trip by bus and the same by taxi btw, and suddenly I was in a shop where the Staff, Check-outs as well, were friendly, helpful and ALWAYS ring a taxi for me and WILL not allow me to pay them for the cost of the phone call either.
Coles WILL open up another Check-out IF a line gets longer than 3 customers are waiting, Woolies, on the other hand, are quite pleased to have long, very long line ups at their check-outs and still will NOT open up another check-out.

@Triphid Woollies don't seem to have the staff now to do it and locally both supermarkets now encourage self checkout by ensuring most check outs are unmanned - even the under 15 item ones. Woollies have a delivery service for a small charge and also now have the phone order shopping service where you order by phone app. They supposedly recently changed their strategy wanting all staff to be more customer friendly.. . . It was apparent the first week then the bitches nature returned when they forgot a fortnight later.


Bastards! Why am I not surprised!

Errr, neither has Woolworths, Foodland, Aldi's, IGA or any other big Supermarkets.

@Triphid have Woolworths, Foodland, Aldi's, IGA or any other big Supermarkets passed the 10 cents per litre that they ha'e been collecting on to the dairy farmers?

@FrayedBear As I posted in reply above, NO they haven't.

@FrayedBear That I would like to know as well.

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