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This video of an Australian "Firenado" may, because of copyright, not be available outside of Australia. If you think that a tornado is scary wait til you see a firenado!

FrayedBear 9 Dec 24
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Ooh shit a brick that is bloody terrifying, never seen one like that but have seen more than enough Willi-Wllies in my time in the bush that picked up literally everything in reach and tossed them into the like feathers.
I still remember clearly watching as one about 20' across roared through the house paddock of Kars Station, lifted the wood and iron Dunny from the ground and dumped it in a heap about 400 yards away, it was then we saw that Susie, the Sheep 'Cocky's' 10 year old daughter, was still sitting on the dunny seat, stripped of most her clothing except for her knickers and shoes, covered from head to toe in the contents of the 'long drop.'
After that 'episode' the Sheep Cocky decided to install an inside toilet in the main house because Susie refused to use the 'new' outside dunny.

Triphid Level 9 Dec 24, 2019

Who could blame Susie! A real life version of the movie.

@FrayedBear Mate, I doubt that the 'Susie' experience could ever be told accurately in a movie.
No actress could manage to have the look on her face that Susie had when we first spotted her.
It took the best part of 3 days before Susie actually uttered a word after it happened or to stop crying as well.
Now days she lives in town, has 3 great kids and every time there's a hint of a Willi-Willi within miles of her she flatly refuses to go out side or let anyone open a door until it has passed by.
The movie, "Twister" was pretty good SFX wise but could never come within Coooee of what Susie went through in my opinion.
Last time I was up at Kars, about 12 years ago, the foundation posts of the Long-Drop Dunny were still there with the twisted and broken off, now rusty remnants of the 1" thick bolts that held the Dunny to them still in place along with the hand-made wooden seat over the hole in the ground.

@Triphid I was thinking of this movie from 1939

@FrayedBear Not even remotely close.


wow I never saw such a thing. I read somewhere that fire can burn faster than a car can drive given the right conditions.

Yeah, I once had a car that took five minutes to drive off the property.

It went faster when we put petrol in the tank.

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