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G'day Fellow aussie sceptics, we have yet another new member joining our sceptical little group.
Welcome to the often whacky and highly irreverent world of aussie sceptics LizZyG, enjoy the company, post and comment as you see fit, try to remember that th Australian Open Season for chucking mulloch at Australian Politicians ends at 11.59pm on December, 31st, and restarts on at 12.01 am sharp on January the 1st ever year...LOL.

Triphid 9 Dec 25
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Whadya mean giving them 2 seconds off!

G'day Liz.

FrayedBear Level 9 Dec 25, 2019

I was being generous there Mate. 2 minutes for them to clean themselves off, catch their breath and prepare for the next 12 months of Mulloch that WILL be coming their way.
Oh, btw, for those who aren't aware of it, Mulloch is a Broken Hill mining term for unwanted, useless dirt and rubbish that is dug out of the mines and dumped in huge piles, the word 'Mulloch' was derived from the name of one of the Founders of the Broken Hill Proprietary ( yep, that IS B.H.P. and none other) Mining Company Limited, George McCulloch, and is meant as an insult to him and his name by the Old-time Miners and their families in Broken Hill.

@Triphid I stand corrected - 2 minutes. I intuited the meaning of mulloch as being shit. Interestingly I found that down here Hindmarsh council, Victoria has a bye law making it illegal to dump or throw manure in or at the council buildings. Not sure if it coveredthebsstards walking down the street whether on official business or not!
On the name McCulloch I had a great dentist of that name for about 20+ years. He was a true socialist looking after the teeth of the poor. I hope that he is now in a long and happy retirement.

@Triphid Locally we have a mulloch that may perhaps be valuable one day. It is radioactive so they bury it in pits under 6' of soil to prevent it glowing in the dark.

@FrayedBear Lucky you found a decent 'McCulloch' then, hey.
We had a Fitter and Turner ( Diesel Mechanic btw) on the State Rail Authority here named McCulloch, nicknamed 'Chainsaw' mainly because he made a whole of noise, did very bloody little and was about as much use a using a butter knife to cut through a wooden fence post.

@FrayedBear Perhaps, just perhaps, try feeding it to the local Politicians, tying them to posts and using them as Street lights might be a well worth idea....LOL.
At least then they WOULD be doing something useful for a change....LOL.

@Triphid you sure that your railway mate wasn't a member of the "Gunna" tribe?

@FrayedBear Oh yeah he was most definitely a LIFE member.

@Triphid "Born to the breed"?

@FrayedBear Yep, more than likely BUT as far as anyone knows these days has never ever actually bred thankfully.

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