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Hows this for an idea? Remove cotton from cubby station and others and grow dope instead. Make money and save water. We are a bit slow.


powder 8 Jan 12
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Actually hemp for making clothing and rope is a huge water user and is what prevented many floods in Bangladesh prior to Hoover (of cross dressing FBI fame) ran his nefarious campaign against marijuana.
Cane for construction purposes including fishing rods and adobe house is and excellent alternative as it can survive dryer conditions.
Of course neither of the above have the artificially inflated price of marijuana which used to grow in large quanties on the sides of the Hunter River, NSW.

FrayedBear Level 9 Jan 12, 2020

@powder I became a big lover of Hebel concrete blocks which are 4 hour fire rated. How does hemp based material compare?

@FrayedBear Why are you sharing misinformation? @Powder may have been proposing marijuana plantations ... but, industrial hemp is a very water efficient crop! A simple google search shows its viability, financially and ecologically: hemp cropping, processing and use for building, clothing, medicines, cosmetics, manchester, food, stockfeed etc etc. As an example ... Hempcrete is fire retarding, insulating, and internal walls provide a heat sink to balance temperatures, sound proofing, reduced noise bouncing, and actually clean the air by using CO2. I've been resrarching, visited homes and building sites, for a decade or more. It is significantly more sustainable than hebel or concrete. (Personal suggestion: If it's not a general pholosophical debate, but is a specific field of knowledge, about which your not well informed; don't feel obliged to have a say, without research.)

@powder Spot On!! Ecologically and economically viable ... actually very beneficial. 💚

@LizZyG Provide your evidence. I asked a question and know that Hebel concrete is highly fire rated. []

We all know that the disastrous Bangladeshi floods were the result of Hoovers destruction of the hemp plantations in order to advance the consumption of fibres made from petroleum.

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