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WTF is going on here? Just saw a news conference saying on the spot fines to be introduced in NSW soon if more than 2 people (ie 3) are too close. This brief was given with 4 people crowded around the lectern???????
Read a news story how a US aircraft carrier is infected and........I don't care, more concerned with Aussies abandonded by our govt on cruise ships actually (sure US military have enough resources to look after their own and if they don't, perhaps hold off on a few of those WMD)
Then gunna shut bottle O's (too risky), but clothing shops and hairdressers can stay open???????
Now recreational fishing on a boat banned???? Silly me but if you're into social distancing then a boat on the water is a bloody good way to do it imo.
I'm getting more and more of a feeling the powers that be are crying wolf on this as they definitely don't seem to know what the fuck they are doing. All cops who have contact with the public should be masked ffs as they are the cunts who will break peoples isolation so they should ensure they are "sterile".
The idiocy and hypocrisy surrounding this whole situation is doing my head in.

powder 8 Apr 1
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Our local council proudly published a photo of a council worker in jeans and hi viz slip on waistcoat spraying an outdoor bench & table at the council owned cattle yards. He had no mask, gloves or other safety gear. I simply postedthe folowing pictures of how Spain is handling it:



I read nsw now allows fishing as an exercise activity.

Liquor shops closing was an April fools day joke.

@powder But Victoria maintains that fishing is a danger to public health like walking arm in arm with your wife.

@powder fbuk yesterday!

This MP's office manager once told a friend that if you hit someone who has an egg shell skull it is not murder if the skull cracks & they die.

Ex High Court Judge Kirkby recently said "the right to swing your fist ends 1 mm before your fist impacts another person".

@powder Victorian obsessive compulsiveness aka brainless control freaks.


And how the hell does the government expect me to choose between my two husbands?

My advice, don't fret over them, stick to a Vibrator for the interim, at least you can be 100% certain of where it has been....LOL.

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