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Courtesy of "Tales from the Lockdown" a recently issued, by the Australian Government, poster to help you differentiate between COVID 19, the Common Cold and the Flu.

FrayedBear 9 Apr 7
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Just sharing this back because of @Triphid 's lengthy response.


So, to ALL those who have hoarded pack upon packs of Dunny Paper, I say this, "You've wasted good money when you should have concentrating on getting in reasonable and adequate supplies of Non-perishable items of foodstuffs, because IF you get Covid 19 you are NOT going to shitting or peeing anymore than usual."
It's quite odd that they added coughing into the symptoms, especially considering that their are innumerable people out there that have such things as a cough due to NOT being infected but, as in my case for example, having been swamped in a cloud of Anhydrous Ammonia from trying to rescue a work-mate when the rail tankers Pressure Safety Valve malfunctioned and well 10,000 litres escaped.
Not only did it cause permanent scarring on our lungs and airways BUT it also resulted in a permanent cough and a need to sneeze since the scars in the nasal passage regularly get irritated, blocked and our noses are prone to dribble a clear liquid with annoying regularity.
Often making one feel like a bit of Pariah when out in public, sadly.

Triphid Level 9 Apr 7, 2020

Sadly unless we are told the reason for afflictions everyone tends to label and assume.
Will you please repeat your response & copy it into "Tales from the Lockdown" I think that it has a salutory & valuable message.

Did you manage to save your workmate?

@FrayedBear Yeah I managed to get him clear but only after we both copped lungfulls of that foul garbage.
4 weeks in hospital, the first 2 weeks with tubes coming out of us everywhere and oxygen going in 24/7 through our noses, multiple x-rays and lung capacity assessments.
My lung capacity at present is about 87-88% on my good days, 81-83% on bad days, his is about 85-86% on good days and about 79-80% on bad days.
I got hauled over the coals a few months later for NOT running the 3/4 of kilometre back to the Stores room and getting the Respirator Equipment before dragging him out.
They did, however, discover soon after we were removed by ambulance to the hospital that the Locker hold the Respirators was locked and the keys WERE NOT in the box where they should ALWAYS have been plus that the Pressure Release Safety valve fitted was meant to be fitted to a 26,000 litre tanker and NOT to a 36,000 litre tanker and that the Dangerous Goods Regulations had been broken by shipping it during Summer and not in Winter as the Regulations directed.
We are BOTH still waiting for the Owners/Shippers and the Railways to come to an agreement on our Compensation Case which has been running since late 1987 our Barristers recently calculated that with Accrued Interest added in, our ompensation should amount to approx. 11.5 Million dollars each IF an agreement is ever reached.

@FrayedBear If I knew how to I most certainly would.

@Triphid Copy your responses onto the clipboard and paste into the post box. Then add your second lengthy response after posting, using the same technique.
1987 - that's disgusting - they want you to die. Is it an American insurer or English?

@Triphid can my above instructions. I've just reshared the whole post back to "Tales from the Lockdown".

@FrayedBear State RailAuthority of New South Wales, as was before it was Privatized.

@Triphid I had a mate 25 or so years ago who lost a leg at the Pyrmont yards. He was still fighting them years later. I once sent a letter and photo to the grinning skull Premier Carr. The photo showed 4 prosthetic legs standing on a table. Each leg leaned in a different direction, each bucket was a totally different size, each had been signed off as fit for use by the Woy Woy rehab doctor, they had all been made by the same Newcastle prosthesatist over a 24 month period years after the amputation occurred!
Carr never did explain or do anything about it.

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