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I have a nagging feeling that Prince Philip has died. But, they haven't announced it, so as to avoid having crowds of mourners, and need to delay funeral for 12+ mmonths, for a royal funeral.
I really would hate for David Attenborough or QE11 to die before we have a vaccine. They've both earned public/royal ceremonies. (Economy reboot boosting celebrations.)

LizZyG 5 Apr 9
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Well, Philip kicked on a while longer. The UK and the world had accepted C-19 and its restrictions, by then; so the commemoration of his life wasn't too problematic, as I'd feared it might have been, a year earlier. The service was aggravatingly religious, as such official & royal things are; but, still reflective of his supposed character. Elizabeth, especially sitting alone, was a sad sight.

He would have been 100, on the 10th. It passed with little recognition. Of course, it was overshadowed by the naming of Lillibet Diana Mountbatten Windsor. Now, that decision was a purposeful 'disrupt them'. Pure attention seeking.

I'm left with David Attenborough & ER II.

Perhaps it matters to me, as they are the age that my mum could have been, had she not starved herself to death. Her mother lived to nearly 102; mother was just 90. I miss her.

LizZyG Level 5 June 11, 2021

Pleased to be wrong. Hope he now lives until 10th June, clocking up his century. Something positive to celebrate. (Although, his obit was printed in SMHerald today, then deleted. 🙄)
I'd rather Australia be independent of the monarchy. But, I still have a fondness for the old couple; as I'd do for other aged celebs.

LizZyG Level 5 Feb 25, 2021

Mmm, interesting.
I was amongst the first 5000 and probably youngest to attain his Gold award.


I know it sounds callous BUT, the world could well quite well without the likes of Prince Phillip BUT loosing such a great person as Sir David Attenborough would be a terrible loss.

Triphid Level 9 Apr 9, 2020

Attenborough is not as pure as the driven snow and has been proven to be unethical, hasn't he?

@FrayedBear What ever BUT at least he sides with those of us who want Human Driven Climate Change addressed and wants it redressed.
As for "Ponce' Phillip and all who claim to be of 'Royal Blood' by anointment by God then,
A) there never has been a God so that immediately invalidates their claims,
B) in this day and age we have no need for, and never really had imho, Kings, Queens, etc, etc,, they are a throwback that needs to expunged.

@Triphid I disagree with neither of your statements however I rather have Phillips' proven courage and opinion than that of some of the idiots elected to government during his lifetime.

@FrayedBear Err, remind me of exactly WHAT courage he has shown please?

@Triphid Besides active, albeit protected, duty in WWII, he used to be prepared to open his gob and express his true opinion. And don't forget that he has been the "silent" party in a monarchy that has lasted nearly 70 years. It can be argued that this has been at huge expense to the taxpayer but equally he has been part of a public attraction that has resulted in billions of trade & income around the world.

@FrayedBear Wel,his correct 'title' is Queens Consort btw, and as such he, unlike Prince Albert ( Queen Victoria's Consort) he MUST keep his silence when around the Public though doddering old fool has forgetten that many time as I remember clearly.
Plus any INCOME derived from Tourists, etc, going through the PUBLIC areas of the Palaces, etc, goes directly BACK into the Royal Coffers, NOT into the Public Purse.

@Triphid You fall into the trap of missing the hotels, restaurants, flunkies, manufacturers, newsprint & media kept employed as a result. None is an island as America found out after the end of the cold war!

@FrayedBear And you seem to forget that the Royal Family/Families are PAID from the Public Purse.

@Triphid have you lost your ability to read? What part of "It can be argued that this has been at huge expense to the taxpayer but equally he has been part of a public attraction that has resulted in billions of trade & income around the world." that I wrote before does not refute your accusation "you seem to forget that the Royal Family/Families are PAID from the Public Purse"?
Are you suffering from blind prejudice and possibly hatred?

@FrayedBear Hey, no need to get down off of your bike, I'll pick up the pump for you.

@FrayedBear And NO, i don't suffer from eitherblind prejudice nor hatred, I am just a Non-Royalist Ordinary Aussie who truly beieves that we have lived under British Royal Yoke for far, far too long.

@Triphid Yeah the constitution should have been rewritten at least 50 years ago if not in 1966.


So what gives you this 'nagging feeling'? It's not much to go on.

Coffeo Level 8 Apr 9, 2020

He's 98, has been unwell and hospitalized December 2019. Liklihood of his dying, is high. No sightings for weeks.. Recent articles about historic encounters by staff. Also, considering English love for him, their previous responses when mourning, respect held for QE11 and public's desire to support her (at loss of her husband) ... their response would be somewhat predictable, and need to be avoided, in CoViD-19 times. So, my proposition is not beyond reasonable odds.
I wouldn't be surprised, if it were true.

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