aussie sceptics

Meet australian non-believers, freethinkers, sceptics & atheists.

Meet australian non-believers, freethinkers, sceptics & atheists.

Posts Tagged "religious" By Triphid (264) Posts by members only

aussie sceptics
1 week ago1w

Posted by puff
Are Aussies Dumber Than Americans? You'd have to say yes.
aussie sceptics
3 weeks ago3w

Posted by FrayedBear
In the event of nuclear war between USA & China what are the most likely first strike targets?
aussie sceptics
Mar 15Mar 15

Posted by David1955
LINKHonest Government Ad | Visit Tasmania! - YouTube
aussie sceptics
Jan 30Jan 30

Posted by puff
Seems we now have brown shirts in Australia. If they look this social media, got a message for them. Don't like religious extremism and theist states. Zionist Israel is bastardising the Jewish faith in order to fulfil colonial ambitions of seizing ...
aussie sceptics
Aug 12, 2023Aug 2023

Posted by vocaloldfart
I bought a NEW Truck a couple of months ago, but I needed to take it back to the dealer the next day because I couldn’t get the radio to work. The technician kindly explained to me that this was a “SMART TRUCK” and the radio was ...
aussie sceptics
Nov 6, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by anglophone
Religious right roadmap to Liberal Party control revealed as internal ructions over church groups increase: And the Liberal Party wonders why it is held in such contempt by the average Aussie? Hello?
1 comment
aussie sceptics
Oct 25, 2022Oct 2022

Posted by puff
What an absolute BS poll. Poll just 1,068 people polled (probably Guardian readers, a YouGov poll) and they are able to extrapolate that out to a headline of "Almost half of Australians support sending military to help defend Taiwan" What a croc of ...
aussie sceptics
Jun 28, 2022Jun 2022

Posted by David1955
LINK'No religion' is Australia's second-largest religious group – and it's having a profound effect on our laws
aussie sceptics
May 26, 2022May 2022

Posted by Triphid
The side of Peter Duhhhtton that he wants us to believe is REALLY him from now on.
1 comment
aussie sceptics
May 23, 2022May 2022

Posted by anglophone
"Angus Taylor says Liberal Party must focus on core values after federal election loss": It is painfully obvious to anybody with even a grain of sense that the Liberal Party has been flaunting its core values for the last three years. ...
1 comment
aussie sceptics
Mar 29, 2022Mar 2022

Posted by FrayedBear
Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells unloads on PM Morrison as well as Liberals such as NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet, federal MP Alex Hawke and former federal Attorney-General Philip Ruddock.
aussie sceptics
Jan 20, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by Triphid
Today we welcome @ Razavibrittanya from California to our growing ranks. According to her profile Bio, she claims to be a Believer so a wee note here to @ Razavibrittanya, aussie sceptics IS a part of the WHOLE site known as Agnostic. com ergo we ...
aussie sceptics
Nov 12, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by Triphid
Congratulations and jolly Well Done Prime Minister ScumMo. As our Leader you have toiled long and hard to ensure that the country we loved and cherish will now bear the stigma of being awarded for the next 12 months the Annual COLOSSAL FOSSIL Award....
aussie sceptics
Nov 9, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by Triphid
Oh dear do we cry now or laugh now and cry never? Poor old U-turns made in a flash, skid-marks, duck and weave, can't make up my mind unless I ask the Pastor, I miss Gladys, Bushfires, Bushfires, I'm heading for Hawaii, good luck Suckers, ScumMo ...
aussie sceptics
Oct 20, 2021Oct 2021

Posted by Triphid
Reading on how things are progressing with the I.C.A.C. Inquiry into Grand Duchess Gladys, aka, Corporal Klinger's sister, it looks like little Gladys may well be doing a whole lot sweat and pacing the floors for quite some time to come. It's an ...
aussie sceptics
Oct 16, 2021Oct 2021

Posted by DragonDust
I'm not openly atheist with my parents although I am with virtually everyone else. However I think that my belief in being pro-choice with abortion and I know for sure they'd at minimum never look at me the same, while they might make peace with my ...
aussie sceptics
Sep 8, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by FrayedBear
There is at least one person in Australia trying to do something about the abomination of xtianity.
1 comment
aussie sceptics
Sep 3, 2021Sep 2021

Posted by Triphid
Well now, today is great news for one new member but sad for another. Today we welcome @Marionville from Northern Ireland to our slowly expanding membership, however, on the other hand we cannot do the same for @Ashley1020 fron Texas since she has NO...
1 comment
aussie sceptics
Aug 30, 2021Aug 2021

Posted by Triphid
Hooray, the message made it through finally it seems. Today we welcome, Official -Unofficially to our ranks, @ Fiddle-Garyben from New York, U.S.A. who HAS HAD the forethought to post a FULL Bio-Intro. Well and nicely done Friend and Thank you for ...
1 comment
aussie sceptics
Aug 22, 2021Aug 2021

Posted by Triphid
Okay, so EVERYONE in the Far Western Region of New South Wales, Broken Hill in particular are supposed to be in Strict Lockdown Conditions thanks to the person of Indigenous origin who attended the funeral of a member of the Bugmy family in Wilcannia...
1 comment
aussie sceptics
Aug 5, 2021Aug 2021

Posted by David1955
LINKA ‘Christian nation’ no longer: why Australia’s religious right loses policy battles even when it wins elections
aussie sceptics
Aug 1, 2021Aug 2021

Posted by David1955
2021 Census and Religion This article interested me as it relates to the issue of the difference between what i call the functionally religious (practising) and the notionally religious ( just religion in name only ) -- ...
aussie sceptics
May 31, 2021May 2021

Posted by Triphid
So, today we have@SoniaConnel from No place according to her Profile page. She has filled out both her Bio and Intro but I noted that she also states that she is a Follower of Christ via Christianity. So, @SoniaConnel, I offer you the Welcome to ...
aussie sceptics
May 30, 2021May 2021

Posted by David1955
LINKReligious fundamentalists railroad democracy
aussie sceptics
Apr 26, 2021Apr 2021

Posted by David1955
LINKScott Morrison tells Christian conference he was called to do God’s work as prime minister | Scott Morrison | The Guardian

Photos 157 More

Posted by 1patriotWorld’s Fastest Indian to Ride Again In the 1950s and 1960s, Burt Munro was a motorcycling legend.

Posted by FrayedBearIn the event of nuclear war between USA & China what are the most likely first strike targets?

Posted by 1patriotThis is a big concern

Posted by vocaloldfart Australia being turned into ‘51st US state’ – ex-PM Canberra is losing its strategic autonomy due to its security pact with the US and UK, Paul Keating has argued The US is surrounding...

Posted by 1patriot[rebelnews.

Posted by 1patriotThat would be a plus....

Posted by FrayedBearTime for Australia to follow suit?

Posted by 1patriotthey are creating a 15 Cities all along this coast in Australia

Posted by 1patriotthunder writes: I remember early in the pandemic when there was a protest outside the hospital (Toronto Canada).

Posted by vocaloldfart Is this the way of the future?

Posted by vocaloldfartIf you think times were tough under the LNP Mafiosa in the previous years, Give Dutton the disastrous destroyer the vote in the next election, and look foreward to worse to come.

Posted by vocaloldfartMichael Pascoe: And the award for the worst Liberal leader goes to… ?

Posted by vocaloldfartDingoes elevated to 'almost-human' status in pre-colonial Australia .

Posted by vocaloldfartVanadium batteries’ sustainable energy hailed as key to solar revolution Vanadium could be the answer to using solar and wind round the clock, silencing critics who say they’re useless when the...

Posted by FrayedBearThis amused me. How about you? "Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia." Charles Shulz

Posted by FrayedBearNine chairman, and former Australian Treasurer, Peter Costello is now promoting war with China after making $millions lobbying for defence companies BY SHANE DOWLING ON MARCH 12, 2023

  • Top tags#Australia #video #government #world #god #religious #hope #friends #laws #politicians #media #money #federal #minister #religion #reason #children #DonaldTrump #politics #rights #liberal #community #military #China #evidence #Police #policy #death #Atheist #hell #Christian #Jesus #USA #church #atheism #parents #corruption #truth #kids #vote #youtube #book #religions #dogs #faith #justice #freedom #movies #chinese #nation ...

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