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They can trash my home anytime. (I can say this 'cuz there are only turkey vultures here). My battle with the Downey woodpeckers peck'in my wood (cedar siding per previous owner) keeps me busy . I shake my fist at them & yell. They get the idea. & fly off....until

Mooolah 8 May 7
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The woodpeckers are there Only because you have insects inside your walls. They can hear them!
Could be bees, ants, termites, any kind of insects.
Call somebody, soon!
Cannot reply directly as I am not in this group.
The Cedar siding is about 1/2"" thick where it overlaps.
The insects are in the wall cavities behind it, you are experiencing a false sense of security. Hope it isn't termites!
BTW If you have ovehanging limbs it's probably Carpenter Ants.

Actually the downeys peck & pull the knots of the wood siding out in order to make their way into the attic. They make new cavities every year for their brood. Insects are all over the cedar siding which is insect repellent but they are not those that destroy wood. Mostly wasps which are welcome here. Thanks for the advice.

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