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Do any of you belong to a Gallery? I want to make mine successful, but think I need advice. I quit being a co-op because no one was interested, and I was tired of chasing after what artists I had to do their days and pay their dues. Now I ask them to add thirty percent to their price for the Gallery overhead. Even so, not a lot of interest from artists or the public. I have been paying the overhead myself (we opened March) so have not done much more than FB and Instagram for advertisement. I have around 15 artists here currently, most do live too far away to come in and mail their work in.

Hathacat 9 July 8
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I've been contemplating opening a coop but I need to have an air tight contract for members so all members have equal responsible and equal share. I ran a non profit gallery for awhile but the members didn't want to volunteer or pay dues it was really tough. I don't want to to that again. Everybody wanted me to run the place without them putting in any effort. I have an opportunity to open another gallery now but don't want to make the same mistakes I made before but don't have the time to work eleven hours a day now. I'm questioning the wisdom of doing this. Tell me how the coop gallery is working and if you would consider joining one with stringent rules.

Same problems here. No one wants to do anything. I found out that I am NOT the type to chase after people month after month, which is why it is a % deal now. It still doesn't pay the overhead though.
I would join a coop because I know what is involved, and am a productive member. I guess the new artists are the ones you would have to convince.


Weird, it's pretty hard to get a legit gallery showing where I'm from... Are you advertising much? In the last city I lived the only galleries that were around would make artists pay them hundreds of dollars up front to host their art for a a week or two at a time.
I suggest advertising openings and collaborate with a caterer or food truck, maybe get a craft beer maker to come and also sell their stuff.
15 artists is pretty good though so far if their work is interesting.

ClaytonE83 Level 7 July 8, 2018

I would love to do that, but all my money is going to the overhead costs. I have told anybody that asked, if they wanted to do a "show" with their art, they could. But they would have to do the work. I am over worked as it is, and in the past, didn't get much benefit for the gallery All I am asking is a little for the overhead. We are talking a hundred bucks. Is that too much? It is space rental for two weeks.

@Hathacat $100 for two weeks isn't really bad but I personally don't like the idea of paying to show at a gallery. Ideally I want a gallery to want to host my work because they think it is good and sellable vs just taking money up front from me so they don't have to worry as much about getting sales. Asking for money up front also can get you some artists who are willing to pay but might not have interesting/good work and it wil reflect on your gallery. I'd prefer to price my work a certain percentage higher and any sales the gallery gets a cut. In my relatively short and not yet successful career as an artist all the people trying to profit off of me and my art has been discouraging... Just my perspective/thoughts... I also don't know what your space is like...

@ClaytonE83 I ran several galleries for a number of years. Sales are never guaranteed. But rent still needs to be paid. The way I see it, you can get good quality work from artists willing to pay. Jury them in using the other artists votes. Charge them a fair membership price plus installation fee and sales commission. Make requirements like having them share their email list. Yes, the overhead is outrageous but when artists pay these fees and help in the gallery, costs can be controlled. And it's not vanity to want to show and sell artwork. This is what I do for a living. I'm an artist and a curator. Currently, I use walls in other businesses. I charge an installation fee to the artists so I can cover overhead like marketing. The owners or managers of the businesses take a percentage for sales commissions. It is a win win for everybody involved.

@confidentrealm well sounds like you two should talk. I know that going to school near LA where the prestigious galleries don't charge the artists and make big sales made me naive about some things including my expectations of other places to an extent. It just sucks to invest time and money into your account then have to pay more money to get it seen. I might have to get used to it though unless I catch a break or make better art. I've shown in a couple galleries without paying but didn't make sales, I also priced my art pretty high though and it's not exactly suited to a ton of people's taste as far as personal home decor even if they think it's interesting

@confidentrealm Thanks for your input!

@ClaytonE83 Thanks for your input. As a Artist, I understand where you are coming from! All I ever had to do before was pay my monthly dues and do my days. I never had a problem with that and if I didn't sell for a few months, I took that as either I was costing too much, or I needed to revamp my work. I make jewelry, so sometimes that was hard to do! Right now, in this situation, I am trying to keep the gallery open, with no help from any of the artists, and sometimes I really feel like selling the place!


Some members had owned galleries in the past. I know at least one lady that did.

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