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Annaleda 8 Feb 16
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Work in progress.

sandyw1952 Level 6 Feb 16, 2018

glad its taking off. All I am working on is brown alpaca fleece bats but I took a pic of my wheel today if I can get that up

btroje Level 9 Feb 16, 2018

I've been lazy and the cold rainy weather has my creative juices running low.

JoeMastle Level 7 Feb 16, 2018

It is getting colder again. Strong wind, some snowflakes here by Lake Ontario.

@Spinliesel cold day here but nothing like Lake Ontario

@btroje The weather people callm my little neck of the woods The Persistent Squall Area because the weather systems from Canada come across the lake directly into my driveway. How cold can it get in New Mexico? I drove through there once, broke down in Belen, NM, the most religious town I had ever seen. One church after another, car repair in between.

@Spinliesel the whole state is pretty religious as far as churches and such. It is rare but was -30F here a few years ago.It drops into the teens at night but then may be 60 in the daytime.No one here knows what normal weather is like anymore. I am told not that long ago they got a lot of snow and winters were real.I do not own a winter coat though, Are you talking Belen in I25 on the way to Santa Fe? That is not far from me

@btroje Yes, to Santa Fe on our way from Arizona to New York, January 1975. I can still see the moon over the road , just like you avatar picture.

@Spinliesel that was taken by the Vermillion Cliffs on the way to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon

@Spinliesel lol.

Bit cool here the last few days. Currently 30°C /87°F 4pm. Saturday afternoon 17/02

@FrayedBear Don't brag. Your country is six minutes away from the surface of the sun. Don't rub it in.

@Spinliesel Hehehe next week looks good as well. Normally expect 40°C which is also mild when getting in the car left in the sun. There it is often 55 - 60°C until you open the window and get moving. The year 300+ people were burned alive i think we had best part of a month over40°C - certainly seemed like it! So long as it is dry heat.

@Spinliesel how many minutes are you?

@FrayedBear Several lightyears! Just the way I like it. 40 deg C makes me melt. I hail from the North Sea and adore cool weather. Also rain. Also snow, in moderation. But one good thing about Australia: you have sheep,

@Spinliesel Why are sheep a good thing?

@FrayedBear They are springy and wooly and produce the fiber I mosty like to spin.

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Posted by KynleiFinished my cartoon character drawing today. Note, this is for personal use only and I will not be selling it. The characters belong to their respective owners and are subject to copyright.

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