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Some drawings I did years ago. All done on a Wacom tablet on my computer.

I don't draw much these days. Depression is a hell of a thing.

Kynlei 8 Jan 12
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Depression sometimes fuels my creativity and sometimes stifles it. It really is a hell of a thing.


Good work!! Here's hoping your inspiration returns and you do more cool stuff!! Love the roller derby chick!

Thank you. I really hope so too. ?


The little characters are super cute. Is the bottom left a roller derby skater?

Frctnal Level 7 Jan 12, 2019

It is! A friend of mine who was in roller derby at the time wanted her to make a sticker out of. ? Thank you!

@Kynlei Nice! My daughter skated for awhile and I was a non skating official. Derby is so fun.


The cartoons are cute , but that eagle is fantastic !

Cast1es Level 9 Jan 12, 2019

Thank you ?


You seeing anyone for that? And taking any meds? Either of those things might help.

Plus it's winter. And for some reason this winter has been hell on the depressed folks. (I know I'm one of them). Hang in there!

I really like the Eagle!

RavenCT Level 9 Jan 12, 2019

Thank you. Yes, I am seeing someone and I am on meds. It's not helping as much as I had hoped it would. Maybe we just haven't found the correct mix yet.

@Kynlei It can take time. And yes it's miserable in the meantime.
Definitely speak up if you feel it's not happening fast enough. It's ok to let them know you're still hurting. Sometimes there's something they can do to boost the medication along. Sometimes not.
I've gone through ups and downs in my creativity and it can and does come back. But depression is a real bear. (Or maybe it's a dragon?) lol.
Just know you aren't the only one.

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