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Here's a couple of images of the wax tool forms prior to being sprued up and one that illustrates the way you set up a form to be cast in a shell mold.

farmboy2017 7 Feb 25
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I need a battle axe. My birthday is in January. Just saying. Your implements are very impressive.

Spinliesel Level 9 Feb 25, 2018

I may have to add a disclaimer, "For Display, Only" in today's climate! Some poor slob might think they're for actual chopping.


ok what is sprued up?

btroje Level 9 Feb 25, 2018

It's really the wrong terminology. It should be called gates and vents. The gate is a wax cup or funnel attached to a large diameter sprue (wax) that allows the molten metal to enter the mold. The vents allow air that occupies the interior cavity of the mold to escape 'in front' of the molten metal. When all of the wax is melted out of a mold, whether it's sand or a ceramic slurry shell, air, then fills the space that is now void of wax. So a vent must be provided to allow the metal to push out the air, otherwise the mold either blows out or you have an incomplete casting. Kinda complex but kinda simple, too.

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