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#Stash Reduction
People like me, who like # yarn and #fiber or #fabric, always have a large stash of said items. There comes a time when it is either use it, sell it or give it away. The fourth option is to move to a bigger place, but that is not very do-able for most. I found what works for me is to donate yarn, needles and patterns to my local woman's prison. I would give it to women's shelters, but we don't have any around here. About once a year I go through my ever growing stash and sort out what I can live without. I usually call the county sheriff's office. I drop off my bags of stuff and walk away feeling vituous and ready to fill the hole on my stash. What do you do?

Spinliesel 9 Mar 2
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I really really try not to be tempted until my stash comes back down to a reasonable level. I know I miss some enjoyment just going to yarn stores, but I can't trust myself! Especially if I go to a craft festival and see delicious hand-spun, hand-painted stuff. I actually have a bigger problem with books than with yarn, since those don't get "used up".


I'm a fabric junkie. I sew anything from doll clothes, usually historical, to regular clothing to elaborate renaissance costumes. Lately, in an attempt to lessen my pile of scraps, I've started designing and selling custom aprons. I've included a couple of pics. Unfortunately I've recently discovered the cutest things made from old ties. (Damn you Pinterest!) So of course I've got about 50 old ties hanging around in addition to all my other crap. Lol. And one day I'm going to make myself the coolest landscape quilt for my bed with the rest of my scraps....really!


What a great idea! I donate books to one of the local homeless stations. I make sure to write on the fore edges that they are not for sale and where they belong, or else the books get taken to the used bookstores and sold.

Annaleda Level 8 Mar 2, 2018

I've finally am able to exert SOME control. My stash is small. I am currently recycling some of the fabric into corn hole bean bags.


My major problems with stash is I can't go past a wool shop without buying some more - I am in the process at the moment of knitting baby blankets simple pattern so I can go at it at any time and use up my oddments but its a bit like the Rumpelstiltskin story

jacpod Level 8 Mar 2, 2018

I saw an interesting idea for books to be recycled. Leave them at railway stations or bus stations explaining that you have freely given the book and hope others enjoy it as much as you did and to similarly pass it on when they have read it.
If you want to know where it goes ask each reader to write in the rear each journey it goes on. Then give the address of the local newspaper and ask that they be contacted after 1,2 or 5 years to tell them the extent of the journey.

That is a grand idea! It works best in countries that have many rail and bus stations. Here in New York, we leave books at Laundromats and in the entrances of supermarkets, but there is usually no feedback. I have snet out boxes of travel and science fiction books to friends on FB, the ones who trusted me enough to give out their address.


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