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I am in quarantine for 14 day# in a hotel room and so do miss my knitting, my sewing machine, my colouring in books, etc,etc.

Jolanta 9 Apr 4
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Can you ask the hotel desk for a sewing kit? sometimes those little packets are pretty versatile.

There is nothing to be had unfortunately, but I am fine.


So what happened that got you into isolation? I hope you are okay. Hugs.

I went on a cruise and as I live in Australia everybody who comes back must stay in a hotel for 14 days. The government pays.

@Jolanta AND YOUR GOVERNMENT PAYS FOR IT!?!?!? WOW I am so impressed with an intelligent response by a government. I am not being entirely facetious. 🙂
I just finished watching Quigly Down Under for the umpteenth time.

@silverotter11 Yes, they are paying for it. They are also doing some good things for the unemployed and for business that has to let staff go. Giving them $1500 per fortnight to keep them on, unemployed will get $400 + a week and other payments.

@Jolanta Do people in Australia actually say "Good on ya mate?" Asking for a friend 🙂.

@silverotter11 Some do, mainly the one in the bush/country, ie country bumpkins.

@Jolanta That is really good to know. Goes good with my New Jersy slang. 🙂


Can't you order it online and they deliver at the hotel?
I have done that - not when on quarantine tho.
But it might be possible

Zoohome Level 8 Apr 4, 2020

What I miss are my very own things that I am making at my own home. I have a jumper I am knitting at home and some sewing too. Only one more week to go.

@Jolanta where were you? On a cruise?


In a hotel room by yourself. Would be an amazing opportunity to get something done if you had the means to do it. If not, I hope you can read, I mean have access to books you want to read? It would be a challenge. Can you get outside and walk.

I have books, TV, internet and I am lucky that I have my travel companion with me. We can’t go outside. There are guards in the corridor.


That would drive me batshit!

Hathacat Level 9 Apr 4, 2020

Yes, it would be rough, but all this will end sometime. Perhaps if we do not think about it the time will go faster.

One more week to go.

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