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Surprised everyone has the perfect temperament, well trained dogs and not one question! Congrats!

K9Kohle789 8 Aug 16
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Sticks48 Level 9 Aug 16, 2019

My boys are not trained at all . They have the personalities of assholes when it comes to other humans , dogs , etc , but the personalities of the most loving living critters when it comes to me .
Pretty much nobody ever visits my house and I live alone .
Our walks are a problem for the ducks and the turtles and other dogs , and it is what it is .
The younger one however ( rat size ), goes everywhere I go Bcz literally fits in any pocket or purse .

Pralina1 Level 9 Aug 16, 2019

@K9Kohle789 yes 😂😂😂 my previous set lived to be 16 and 17. My boys are adorable to me . We don't do much w people . In fact . We do nothing w people . The very few that my boys socialize with , no problems . As long as they can follow me around everywhere , no problem .
They don't bite , they don't get upset . They just have to have the best spot next to me .

@K9Kohle789 😂😂😂😂😂😂😍😍😍

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