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Democrats and Republicans Fuck You In The Ass And You LOVE It!

Nancy Pelosi and her $11k freezers and designer ice cream, and Bezos makes $24b on top of his fortune during pandemic. The Dems and Reps fuck you with the stimulus bill.

Please, tell me how anyone who votes 3rd party is bad. Stockholm Syndrome is rampant among U.S. voters! Remember to vote the lesser of two evils in November! You're a good (German) citizen! Feel good about it too 👍

People from the Dem Party want to try to shame people and/or make them vote for who THEY want you to vote for. I don't owe them shit. They can use whatever false reasoning they want. How about THEY vote for who IIIIII want them to vote for? They don't like that though, and they will come up with more false reasoning bullshit.

They say if you vote 3rd party as a left winger then it's a vote for the worse candidate on the other side instead of the lesser of two evils. They're under the false presumption that I would ever vote for someone like Trump or Biden in the first place. If they were my only two choices then I would stay the fuck home. They also say that's not participating, but it really is. That is participating by telling the group hive mind that I will not choose either piece of shit. They can shame us and call us names or children, but the same reasoning can be used for why they vote for who they do. I mean how fucking childish, idiotic, and unaware is it to stay in a relationship with someone who abuses you slightly less than another person? Oh my bf doesn't beat me as much as the last one did! YAY!!! WINNING!!! I think these people have Stockholm Syndrome and they actually think they're being responsible adults and that they're so smart for it. We literally live in the movie Idiocracy. They'd rather vote for shit just because it stinks a bit less, but they want to make excuses and false reasoning for why they can't vote 3rd party. They'd rather blame people who don't fall for the bullshit rather than take responsibility for contributing to their abusers.

...and I really don't give a fuck if they disagree with me. I'm sick of these people. They all deserve what they get from these shitty "leaders" matter which side "wins".

Piece2YourPuzzle 8 Apr 18
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Pelosi's fridges are worth about half my yearly income 😟 !Many don't make that much yearly!

FDR's reward to the ruling class was manipulating us into WWII, essentially the mother of the beginning of perpetual warring for profit. In which by the mid 50's the ruling class and organized religion began tearing down the socialized ideology. That started with putting god on our currency to open all the false narratives we face today about the founding of this country and hypocritical constitution arguments.

$22k in total for freezers with a steady supply of designer ice cream lol. You want to become rich? Become a politician. It's almost guaranteed now.

I had to buy a new fridge back in December of 2019 and the best one I could buy was $870 total with tax etc.

Bezos just made $24b in ONE OR TWO MONTHS!!! Lol


I agree we get it in the ass from both parties, but at least the Dems use some lubricant, at least most of the time...When I think about this stuff very much, I end up feeling like the late Sam Kinison, screaming "I'm in hell, Ah, Ah, Ahhhhh!"


Well, OK, I watched a bit of each. He is right but I don't need that much fuckin swearing.

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