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COVID 19 - an interesting accusation & purported disclosures:

@usahackers reveals that their next step is to leak bank transactions that will prove that Bill Gates has had a hand in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic and also bring out some corrupted officials of WHO, CDC and World Bank who have been like puppets, who work on the gestures of Bill Gates. The biggest accusation is that Bill Gates is even taking bribes from China.


FrayedBear 9 Apr 23
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Sounds like a load of wacky conspiracy theory.What do you mean by "Bill Gates has had a hand in controlling the pandemic".
He is certainly putting $millions into research for a viable vaccine if that's what you mean

Moravian Level 8 Apr 26, 2020

Why would Gates need bribes from China? Doesn't he have enough of money?

Jolanta Level 9 Apr 23, 2020

Greed begets greed and besides which it is probably just part of "doing business".


Seems all very very wealthy men have their 'pet' projects and will support them, Gates is no different nor is his agenda (whatever it is) any better or worse than all the other rich guys projects. IMHO

I do disagree on this one. Yes many wealthy live in their own worlds but not all are alike and some really want to use their money to do good. Once we start branding people, like intellectuals, then we are in serious trouble and we are falling into tRumps hands.

@JackPedigo I don't think I branded anyone, the article did I guess. Thing is they ALL believe for the most part their platform is fine. Did I project that i was saying one was good or not good? I simply said they all have their pet projects.

@silverotter11, @JackPedigo Genghis Khan had a pet project. So did Leopold II, king of Belgium with his pet project in the Congo []!

@silverotter11 I think that attempt may be being made to bully you into changing your mind?
My opinion is more important than yours and therefore correct?

@silverotter11 You did say "pet projects' but the part of not being better or worse than all the other wealthy guys projects could be taken negatively. Some wealthy people actually try to use their money to help. Yes, no one is perfect and when an uber wealthy person makes one it seems even worse that when those of us of normal means do. I have mentioned I worked for an accounting firm and we had the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as a client. I got to see some of the hidden groups that the foundation gave to. They were hidden as the religious moralists would protest (and they did) if they found out. Like it or not we need the wealthy to step up at least to counter their more evil kin. Sorry if I got out of line.

@JackPedigo I'm not the best at typing what I'm trying to communicate, that's for sure. I agree the wealthy should step up. Would not be the first time time my words are viewed as negative, but I do not mean them that way. We all have pet projects. I have nothing against people making gobs of money BUT when it really is at the expense of the employees, as is the case in many instances it irks. But that is not what the post was about. I have no clue where Gates puts his money.

@JackPedigo, @FrayedBear No I don't think anyone was trying to bully. As I said to Jack, I'm no the best at trying to get my point across, and certainly was not the first time a comment i made was viewed as negative. Mostly just saying the jury for me is still out on Gates.

@silverotter11 Been there done that several times. Writing is not an exact science and interpretation often depends on the reader.

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