‘Why US Police Are Out of Control’
U.S. police forces are so out of control there’s not even a reliable database on how many times police officers shoot citizens. So, beyond racism and fear of guns, the problem includes fragmentation in law enforcement and gaps in training among the 18,000 police agencies in the 50 states, notes Daniel Lazare.
Let me just state that guns aren't the issue with todays case. Actually guns usually only play a role in mass shootings in which they are made to control a certain agenda within conditioning during those times. And then that is highly related to the other side of todays events from right leaning groups and fascist. Todays issues are dominantly related to people without any weapon at all.
If you want to argue guns, why doesn't law enforcement actually concentrate on these people and the multiple gangs throughout cities, especially large metropolitan cities, where illegal guns are that come out of foreign countries. I've covered Ghost Guns here a couple of times. Obviously they're to chicken shit to confront a real issue, so they take us without a weapon one poor sole at a time at approximately 1000 a year. That's another story though.
{What does a lack of knowledge have to do with ultra-high levels of brutality? The answer is simple: absence of knowledge means an absence of control, which means that local departments behave with relative impunity. If local cops seem out of control, it’s because the only controls come from local politicians who are often corrupt and racist and therefore tolerant of such behavior on the part of the officers they employ.}
Lets not forget also that for nearly 20 years now a large percentage of our law enforcement have been recruited from the military minded Middle East war veterans. As we have covered in the past, both law enforcement and the military have been exposed as being made up of a good percentage of people who participate and support the white nationalist and fascist agendas. Law enforcement itself having been exposed as such for decades.
{The same goes for the police. Does America really need 18,000 police departments? Couldn’t the same tasks be conducted more efficiently and fairly if the departments were consolidated and placed firmly under federal control?}
In a realistic sense I would say yes, but not under our present federal government. As I have attempted to explain here on occasion, our problem in governance runs deeply within the same corruption within local, state, and nationally. Basically like an education system we have an element of elementary, middle school, then high school to nearly every aspect of society. The players made up of politicians, business, law enforcement, and the wealthy vying for promotion to the next level.
Then you have the reaction of another African American reaching for the elite status in a white mans world.
Atlanta mayor to vandalizing protesters: 'This is not a protest ... this is chaos'
{"A protest has purpose. When Dr. King was assassinated, we didn't do this to our city," she said. "If you want change in America, go and register to vote. ... That is the change we need in this country."}
Using a page out of Obama's book knowing the system is rigged especially against African Americans. I guess she missed the news in her own state in 2016 of Kemp's actions within voter purging and suppression.
It seems this virus has managed to set the pace for just about every aspect of our government to expand the extreme right agendas.
I really hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but I proudly am one after all. So if you've really been paying attention from start to today, the collaboration between the democratic party and Trump's first 3 years seems to be a drop in the bucket compared to how this year has started out already. So lets just move right into martial law now.
Pentagon puts military police on alert to go to Minneapolis
OK, I get it. Riot like protest aren't going to solve a problem. In some cases it might get out of control. Be aware of who initiates the out of control though. We know they work from within to quell protest by purposely turning them into riots to then justify their violent reaction. People are actually bringing their kids to these protest.
If you can only provide a society with a broken system to then use it against them, that society only has a broken system to revert to to use back with. Voting hasn't changed shit! It isn't going to change the shit! They're reacting to the very conditioning that has been engulfing them throughout our history. Changing the conditions is the only means to end this injustice. Quit allowing them to control the conditions.
Found a great old video by Bill Maher that speaks to the still common issue of police "excessiveness"
June 2018;
I remember when they initiated the new requirement of having a college education (at least 60 credits - about 2 years) to become a cop. I guess they thought maybe it would breed officers that were less trigger happy etc., but it hasn't seemed to work. You can be a racist or trigger happy before you get the "education" and it will just make you a "smarter" racist. That's not going to erase years of indoctrination. I don't think it's all cops or even most cops though. I think one of the problems is that it's still a brotherhood and good officers are pressured to not say anything or expose the bad apples. Look at the cops that were around the area when Floyd got murdered. They did nothing to help him. They didn't tell the other officer to let up. They didn't go over and try to pull the officer up off his neck. Now are they racists, or are they just a "part of the team" and they don't want to get ostracized from their career. It can be debated that they're just as worse as the murderer. Is the murderer a racist, lacking training, lacking common sense? All 3? It's common sense that if you put your knee on someones neck with all your weight that they're probably going to die after a while. I don't think anyone with a reasonable IQ is that dumb. So I think saying it's a lack of training and lack of common sense isn't accurate. I remember reading the articles on the FBI investigating the KKK and racist organizations that planned out taking over law enforcement agencies. I think they have obviously succeeded at least somewhat over the decades. The cop could very well be a racist or even a psycho/sociopath.
When you have a system that is based on exploitation, racism, etc etc etc., then even the people in that system that aren't necessarily bad people make bad choices. Just look at politics. When you have leadership that has all the power, it doesn't matter how many good people there are under them. The cop that murdered Floyd went home, and there was pretty much the entire police force standing guard outside his house because there were angry protesters there. Now, they probably had orders from their superiors to do that. I'm sure some of them were his friend, or even a lot of them, but when you're ordered to do something then you either do it or you lose your career. I'm sure at least some of them feel like shit for having to protect him. Some people would say that they should just quit and find a new job. That's easier said than done. What if they have no skills? Are they supposed to trade a decent salary and benefits to go work at Walmart? How long will it even take for them to get a new job? Do they have a family and kids? It's not an easy choice to make.
Then you have the issue of the looters destroying their own neighborhood. They're contributing to the gentrification of their own neighborhood probably. Investors will pull out, there will be less goods and services, people will need to move, investors will come back and build it up, more wealthy people will move in. Now just because I think that's likely, doesn't mean I think the people doing it are "wrong". What other recourse do they have? Nobody in power listens to them. The justice system doesn't seem to represent any poor people, but especially poor minorities. So I can't say I blame them, but at the same time it still will hurt them. It's a catch 22. Then there is the issue of the store losing their business or being set back a long time, and also of the people who work there losing their job or pay for a while. These are people who most likely live in that neighborhood.
Yea, I still think, in Ohio anyways, the requirement is a high school completion. Yes, I'm right.
It seems the most problems fall in large cities and metropolitan areas along with southern states being heightened. I will argue that's because this is where you have a larger play of the ruling class on politics protecting their investments. Which correlates to the other post also today (Moore documentary) on the pollution and social issues tied to gentrification, over population, food distribution. These areas almost always are the most polluted from corporate industry and are over filled from people being forced out of the city in which food cost more in convenient store type conditions when they can't afford to get out of the neighborhood. Penalized when they venture outside of or caught up within. A growing cause seems to now be false or exaggerated complaints as the one I posted last week. We've been conditioned to turn on our own.
A far as Floyd goes. 2 of the other officers were not seen in the most used video, as I posted another view a couple days ago, 1 was also on top of Floyd on his back suppressing his ability for lung capacity while the other one was either close to or holding his legs down. Clearly at least a 2 man effort to suppress his breathing while 1 stood in sight to thwart off any on lookers. I would say clearly a team effort! I personally have always said if the entire force is willing to back an act of injustice there's no such thing as a good cop within. Now they are hinting that there's evidence that the death wasn't caused by the actions of the officers from the medical report. If this isn't the police attempting to do a poor job of silencing the protest it's clearly, in my mind, the exposure that the entire city government is an accomplice to the crime. Past present and future.
At ending I would claim in the world according to William, it would be the part of those who might feel ashamed to how they were represented that day to unite and become whistle blowers to the system around them and fill the vacant positions they create. Then the city council and local government support and fund the restoration providing the citizens more democracy and control within. One community at a time. One factory at a time. So on and so on.
@William_Mary It's completely outrageous how they don't think the cops were responsible for Floyd's death. If they don't find those cops guilty then these riots are going to be child's play compared to what's to come.
Love your concluding cartoon.
An interesting series of articles.
Thank you.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. [consortiumnews.com]
Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.
Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.
Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.
Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American
Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.
Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .
Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.
Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.
Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[wsws.org]
Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.
Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...
Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.
Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.
Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.
Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.