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Beware of Right Deviations That Have Emerged from the Three-Headed Crisis of US Imperialism

Libertarianism, like all capitalist ideologies, is bound with white supremacy.


{Libertarian ideology is more evident across the US political spectrum because it has been intentionally spread by the ruling class.}

{However, at the level of the grassroots, libertarian tendencies have made up fake conspiracies to cover for real ones and thus have done more harm than good.}

{Equating Black Lives Matter with a “color revolution” actually justifies the repression of the movement, since “color revolutions” worldwide are most beneficial to imperialists.}

{The U.S. imperial state has been thoroughly exposed in a matter of four months as completely incapable of providing for the needs of the exploited and the oppressed. Another state, a socialist state, must take its place, and that means the left must struggle for power and oppose any ideology or activity that disorganizes people from taking on this immense task.}

Unfortunately, the indications I'm seeing 4 months later tell me we still aren't there yet. Maybe people like myself have went back to silence of wait once again. But social media addicts are sending a loud message that they are still the same conditioned lack thinkers they have mostly been. When I confront this ignorance on facebook I do get a few likes however. All we need is a champion for 2024?

Free thinker should be removed from this site! Obviously there are a ton of people here who use that moniker who can't.

William_Mary 8 July 9
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I know a few Libertarians, they are all business people who's incomes are high enough that they don't want to upset the status quo, want no regulations that impede business but yet do not want to pay their fare share of taxes and think social programs are hand outs. They say live and let live, not religious or raciest and do believe in equal rights when it comes to race, sex and sexual orientation, but besides that I find it hard to separate them from the republicans I know, they are just as judgmental of people on the left as them. This is my observation of the few I know.

You have obviously never met a Libertarian. Nice jargon though.

@Krypto-Knight you obviously misread her first sentence. Or are you claiming she is a liar without providing the terms of that claim. Then you seemingly use the conditioned political rhetoric tactic of attack with negative labeling of her opinion. Again without any substantial reasoning.

From above at the end of my initial post-----Free thinker should be removed from this site! Obviously there are a ton of people here who use that moniker who can't.

I rest my case. That didn't take long. Thank you for your participation. Please get that under control or feel free to leave my group on your own accord.

Mermaidfantasy has been a frequent visitor and an occasional posting and commenting participant of this group for quite some time who has never resorted to the tactics of your nature. Even though I don't always agree with her opinions, we are able to conduct our differences within intellectual discourse, within debate style, or simply throwing our opinions out, without negativity. I will not tolerate useless responses such as yours above on any of my members.

{They say live and let live, not religious or raciest and do believe in equal rights when it comes to race, sex and sexual orientation}

I've always referred to these as being like the carrot on the string near the rabbit hole to pull supporters within. Both republicans and democrats use these same issues falsely also. The Paul's made a career out of it, then often voted with the republicans to show their hypocrisy.

@William_Mary The very few I know,( one is a very dear friend and I adore him for so many other traits) but we have had short political discussions because we do not agree on much, not that that is needed for a discussion but he tends to avoid talking politics to keep the peace and friendships. . I never labeled them they did themselves as Librarians , not me.
I wish no parties existed and all politicians had to run on what they stand for not behind a party. We would have a better idea of what and who we were voting for.

@William_Mary nope, I said a Libertarian. Many people claim things that they really don't understand what it really means. Plenty of Republicans are Republicans just because they don't like Democrats and same with Democrats. There has been a recent surge of "Libertarians" this year. Most of them only support because of the no more IRS or the decriminalization end of the drug war. But if you talk to them they have no idea what Libertarian really means. Visit a chatroom or web page and see how many people are ala cart Libertarian. That's why I said that she obviously hasn't meet a Libertarian. Based on her description, those are not Libertarian Ideals.

@Krypto-Knight while I don't agree with every statement she made in her post, she seems to have a pretty close sense to them as I do. I also don't see much of a difference between them and the republican party.

I see the republicans as a light state communist party where privatization is at the expense of social construct. While falsely claiming they want less government and less spending while boasting about a free market that doesn't exist. Tax breaks for the rich and a market built on monopolies in which only the rich people benefit highly contradicting their governmental claims.

Why has history always lead to these people voting and in compliance to the republican party then? The Paul's are a prime example. They don't even pretend though to seemingly be more about a state run communist like entity. They willingly admit to a compliance with privatization at the expense of social structure. When one gets in office such as a mayor or governor they always go after social structure towards privatization. Then they cook the numbers to how they have improved a deficit while leaving out the social damage left behind. Sure, they argue support of a few mere socially accepted issues, falsely I'll argue, as attention grabs, but when it comes to legislation they never put forth a genuine effort to pass or even introduce such claims. And almost each of these issues are issues that the republican party they seat with in congress would never support. Hence my falsely remark.

You're right about one thing I'll agree with. Many of their supporters are every bit as ignorant to the structure of Libertarians as many of the supporters of the democratic and republican party. I have a few years of learning about Libertarians from listening to Thom Hartmann's talks on the history of that party's founding. And everything I've observed from the Paul's and other politicians of the party, especially more recently in 2016 researching Gary Johnson, Thom was spot on. I found his writings on the founding of that party quite informative and proven correct from history. And quite frankly I find it laughable to find any Libertarian credible after 2016 who still finds words of support for Johnson's horrific showing. If you read his profile at Wikipedia you'll see how the numbers were cooked as I mentioned above during his 2 terms as governor. It starts out painting a nice picture for him but as the history section goes it exposes the real damage. And seriously at a time at that moment to attempt to deflect from understanding the question on Aleppo as he did was ludicrous. Aleppo had been in the spot light for weeks at that time. And the profile exposes why that went over his head also.

@William_Mary Right and Left playing Good Cop-Bad Cop game, both are still Cop with the same agenda just different methods of achieving it. Republicans pretend to support Freedom but don't protect the Bill of Rights. If Trump really Supported 2a then why the bump stock ban and the new taxes on ammo? Libertarian Party supports and believe in the Consitution and the Bill of Rights. Civil Liberties are being stripped away with no Republican opposition.


Very nicely said, William, and right to the point. I agree with every word.

DenoPenno Level 9 July 9, 2020

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

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Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American

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Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .

Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.

Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.

Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]

Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.

Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.

Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.

Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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