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First they reduced my hours to 32 a week. I usually managed to get the 32, sometimes 34 to 35. It's fairly hard to control hours when you drive for a living. It's not like I have a stationary position with a clock and time card to punch. I can't control what happens at the customers or yards I work in or dump at, flat tire issues and the time at repair shops, then there's traffic.

About 2 months in to this they give me a 40 hour time frame to work on. Rarely hit 40 but went over a couple of times. 3/4 of an hour over last week. I guess a couple of other drivers have done so also. My dispatcher, Alexis, tells me something about 1 or 2 Columbus drivers. So the company is bitching at Brenna about this. Brenna is the head dispatcher in Wooster. So now after about 2 months they are knocking me back down to 32.

I've bitched about this here before. I'm making to much to get unemployment and working to many hours to get the additional $600 that has put many people who usually make less than me now make more than me. I get it, I really get it. Great for them! But I'm going backwards!

So yesterday Alexis tells me to get a hold of Alaska and ask him about how he and Kenny get the additional $600 as she tells me I'm going back to 32 and don't actually get the 32. See, Alaska is Brenna's husband, and him and Kenny work at the Wooster yard. My company, PSC, bought the Wooster yard and the trucking company that worked for them back then from Brenna and Alaska. The trucking company anyways. Kenny is the head over site of the transportation aspect in our NE Ohio area and Alaska does various aspects of the same and repair and maintenance with Kenny. They were dropped to 29 hours a week back when this shit all hit the fan each working a 4 day week. See where this is going now?

I didn't quite get from Alexis if they are actually get unemployment also, but they are getting the additional $600 because they are only working 29 hours or less. Here's the 4X4 upside my head though. The reason the company is bitching at Brenna for drivers going over 40 hours isn't really about a few hours of overtime pay, it's because they lose money the government pays them to keep our hours down. Well, I guess it could be a little about one and a lot about the other. And I guess I have to consider whether the government is setting this initiative or if the company is simply using it to get the money. Either way there's an initiative to keep me from reaching my full potential for the company that the company can benefit from by kicking me while I'm down. So between the government and the company there's an initiative to keep workers from working and making money while they publicly claim they want workers to go back to work. They are purposely creating lower income jobs and poverty.

Who owns my company? A multi billionaire named Carl Icahn. I'm sure many here have heard of him. Known for being a corporate raider and Trump supporter. This is what I'm dealing with 😟

I hope your companies have more respect for you than mine does for me!

William_Mary 8 July 10
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My brother worked security for a major retailer for 30 years. On his 25th anniversary, they gave him a $700 candy bowl. On his 30th year, they fired him to lose salary of over $100k and used the virus as an excuse. The owners are multi-millionaires if not billionaires too.


You are not the only one being targeted, of course.

My wife and I are 70+. She is a teacher, and I cannot work. We must decide whether she should retire before next year. If they open schools with face to face instruction, we believe there will be an unimaginable surge of covid cases, and she would be on the front line. If she retires, we lose insurance.

Many parents are faced with sending their children into harm's way (i.e., school) or quitting a job to stay home with their children. Some face eviction if they do not work. Many countries are managing the pandemic, which allows their people to work and educate without flooding their healthcare system with covid 19 cases. The US ruling class seems determined to cull the herd of poor and middle class by economic suppression.

In 1918 US deaths from Spanish Flu were about 200,000 with 100,000,000 population, which is two per thousand people (0.5%). Current estimates are covid will kill 1.5% of US (300m), unless government controls it, like most European countries or a good vaccine is available to everyone.

I'm sorry that you, me and others are being used by amoral capitalists. I hope people wake up and vote for peace and cooperation instead of war and oppression.

EdEarl Level 8 July 10, 2020

@Fred_Snerd IMO it is the deamon of capitalism.


I guess that the powers are flexing muscles and seeing just how far can they go, presumably believing, perhaps rightly, that no matter what they do the people are so brainwashed that they will not rise up in rebellion. Anyway the powers have their own protective army we call the police.


Sorry to read of your woes.

FrayedBear Level 9 July 10, 2020
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