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UPRISING: Police, Prisons & the Pentagon


{Distorted funding priorities aren’t the only driving force behind police violence against communities of color, but shifting such resources away from policing and to areas like jobs, education, housing, and restorative justice could be an important part of the solution. And any effort to boost spending on social programs should include massive cuts to the Pentagon’s bloated budget. In short, it’s time to defund our wars, both at home and abroad.}

{“Just about every non-militarized department funded by the discretionary budget,” he adds, “is on the chopping block, including all those that focus on reducing poverty and meeting human needs like education, housing, labor, health, energy, and transportation.”}

This all adds up to a direct purposeful attack on social structure as a whole. And it all leads to benefiting the ruling class corporations and the politicians they own. Along with the corporations medias they own and big dollar reporters within compliance to this agenda.

{As journalist Nick Turse has noted with respect to the militarization of U.S. Africa policy, the growth in American military operations on that continent has proceeded rather strikingly in conjunction with a proliferation of new terrorist groups. Put the best light on them and U.S. counterterror operations there have been ineffective. More likely, they have simply helped spawn further increases in terrorist activities in the region.}

Put yourselves in any given countries place taking the following into consideration.

On one hand you have China willing to come in and spend billions on your infrastructure to build their Silk Road Economic Belt and or other projects towards a better world society, in which you and your people can highly benefit from. With very little to no military sense or agenda.

One the other hand you have the US forcibly, often illegally, initiating a centuries long agenda of colonization that leads to 10's to 100's of thousands of deaths, theft of natural resources, and destruction of villages and cities. On top of that it creates an inevitable environment of a long lasting terrorist foundation that was created from the US moving in. Often these terrorist being brought in or persuaded to come in to create the warring conditions that follow as we found in the middle east. Which highly exacerbates the current historic fractional and religion strifes your countries already have that could last for decades. Again, as wee learned for the middle east.

Which direction do you hope your country goes?

Maybe you're one to think all this funding is actually necessary? Well let this one set in for a moment then.

{Ultimately, safety for all Americans will depend on more than just a shift of funding or a reduction in police armaments. After all, George Floyd and Eric Garner — just two of the long list of black Americans to die at the hands of the police — were killed not with high-tech weapons, but with a knee to the throat and a fatal chokehold.}

Sense of fear much? Psychological warfare on society is really all these armaments are worth in large part. They have no real purpose for policing within a civilized society. They actually decivilize society towards fear, intimidation, and or to provoke an uncivilized reaction.

William_Mary 8 July 10
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Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

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