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Our delusional country with a killer virus within where reality doesn't seem to have a realm to exist.

Several MSCM post to my MSN homepage seems to implicate the madness that has taken over our country. I don't really have the faith many will actually read all these articles, but a quick skim through them or a few might leave you mystified and asking yourselves what kind of madness we are dealing with. Hell, even those I refer to as eye candy reading headliner types can almost get a full sense of the madness with these.

First off. It's not getting any better. {4:51 p.m.: US death count up 19%
The number of new coronavirus cases is up 19.7% from last week and the national death count is up 19% during the same period, according to an internal Federal Emergency Management Agency memo obtained by ABC News.}

The United States has become the worst-affected country, with more than 3.6 million diagnosed cases and at least 139,266 deaths.


When it seems the initiative isn't directed towards a safe society but personal agendas.

{As novel coronavirus cases surge out of control coast to coast, the open rancor between the scientific community and a White House determined above all to resuscitate the economy and secure a second term for Trump threatens to further undermine the U.S. response, which already lags behind those of many other developed nations.}

And---It’s not only coronavirus cases that are rising. Now covid deaths are, too.

{“Even if we could magically lock everyone in their room and no one transmits to anyone, we would still be seeing an increase in deaths for the next several weeks,” said Catherine Troisi, an epidemiologist with UTHealth School of Public Health in Houston.}

{“Young people are not living in a vacuum,” said Farshad Fani Marvasti, director of public health at the University of Arizona College of Medicine Phoenix. “They’re interacting with people who are more susceptible.”

That is likely contributing to the spike in deaths now, Marvasti said.}


Rancor between scientists and Trump allies threatens pandemic response as cases surge


Between that and the political divisional strife it creates---leaving us many who don't use logical thinking.

Why more young people are getting sick in the latest Covid-19 outbreaks

{So even if you’re a young person who gets infected and don’t get very sick, “you’re part of the propagation of the pandemic,” as Fauci put it.

So how did the coronavirus suddenly start spreading to so many young people?

We’ve known that bars and other crowded indoor spaces are hubs of spread in the new hot spots. But there are likely many other factors at play.}


Our government has their own lab rats to learn from. Outside our prison facilities this time.

'Alarming outbreak' of Covid-19 spreads through DHS training facility

{A coronavirus outbreak has spread through a federal law enforcement training facility in South Carolina prompting the national employees union to call for a halt to training.

The outbreak comes amid increased concern about exposure for federal frontline employees and a spike in coronavirus cases in the southern United States. As of Thursday, 1,426 CBP employees have tested positive for Covid-19 and eight have died as a result of the virus, according to the agency.

Students are in classrooms with around 50 people with people wearing masks, according to a person at the training center who asked not to be identified because they weren't authorized to speak for the center.}

In other words. Once a breeding ground has been introduced within mass populated structures and ignorantly poor sanitary practices, mask aren't going to stop the spread. A duh moment here?


But hey, lets send our children into these duh moments.

White House has blocked CDC Director Redfield and other officials from testifying on school reopenings

{Additionally, federal guidance on school reopenings has been unclear as the CDC and the White House have gone back-and-forth regarding recommendations.}


No one is young enough to be left out of this madness.

85 infants under age 1 tested positive for coronavirus in one Texas county


I'll just leave that one for you to educate me on. Please feel free to explain the sanity going on around me as to how positive it can be. Seems to me open herd immunity has been the on going answer all along. Personally, I would have loved to have what is going to be approximately 10 trillion dollars used to keep us all home and safe to let this virus just die out. Rather than hand it over to people who by no means need it. But we just aren't intelligent enough to have figured a way out of this?

William_Mary 8 July 18
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Very well said William.

DenoPenno Level 9 July 18, 2020

By observing what is going on in some southern states, it makes me think that the rebellious nature of some groups of people is going to cause them to eliminate themselves from the gene pool soon. This idea does not disturb me at all.

OldGoat43 Level 9 July 18, 2020

Well, it should as it will take the good as well. Come on, just about all of us had some form of rebelliousness phase in adolescence.

@rogerbenham . 50 & 60 year old adolescent creeps screaming racist slogans don't meet my ideals as model citizens.

@OldGoat43 That is just a case of what my wife used to say: "everyone is doing the best that they can." We should always remember that each of us is essentially a product of our upbringing and our influential peers. I learnt that the only value of importance is love. Somehow we have to love the most obnoxious. I confess my solution is to try to avoid them as they can be so ghastly. But I do accept that I was far luckier in life than most. Jesus (maybe) " Father, forgive them for they know not what they do" applies to so many most of the time. They are racist because they were taught to be racist and don't have the wit to know better.

@rogerbenham . I'm more of a realist and cannot help but notice that this earth is being overpopulated by humans with no regard for the environment, wild lands and animals, or other human beings. I do not love them, and probably never will. Greedy power hungry politicians, corporate thieves, religious bigots all have my vote to be the first to go catch a virus to eliminate them. I have never believed in Jesus saying such profound things as you mentioned. I believe that the writings in that book were done by powerful humans to control others and lay a universal law to help build a society and govern it.

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