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Information Warfare Is Why I Do This

It has been a disastrous beginning during the first half of this year within 2020. And no matter who takes the puppets seat within the white house next will this war end. They are both players for the architects of the deceitful delusional reality being forced on not only us in the US, but also globally for the ruling class elite.

Quite frankly, we in the US are the largest cause of our own issues due to the inability of so many who remain ignorant to this war that has been engaged on us as many blissfully have become compliant to the propaganda. This is partly why so many countries abroad share better social structures than our own. Who often look towards us and wonder where we are in this fight for equality. We've allowed ourselves to become the target for all others to blame for the insanities going on around the globe. As the global elite use us as slaves and cannon fodder to fulfill their agendas.

2020 is essentially over and wasted! We better start waking up and join the rest of the world or as the climate goes, we are in danger of reaching a tipping point of no return.

{We also looked at the underlying problems of modern democracy, particularly the insidious manipulation of citizens by government propaganda and the accomplice role played by mainstream media. Rather than encouraging diversity in analyses especially on topics of war and peace, today’s mainstream media takes a perverse pride in excluding responsible, alternative views.}

{But the major Western news outlets began to see journalism differently. It became their strange duty to shut down questioning of the Official Story, even when the Official Story had major holes and made little sense, even when the evidence went in a different direction and serious analysts were disputing the groupthink.}

{Looking back over the past two decades, I wish I could say that the media trend that we detected in the mid-1990s had been reversed. But, if anything, it’s grown worse. The major Western news outlets now conflate the discrete difficulties from made-up “fake news” and baseless “conspiracy theories” with responsible dissenting analyses. All get thrown into the same pot and subjected to disdain and ridicule.}

{Now, even as the fate of the world becomes more tenuous amid a resumption of Cold War tensions between the West and Russia, we are seeing the Western media engaging in a self-inflicted blindness that has left the West’s citizens blind as well. This dilemma – this crisis in democracy – has made the role of Consortiumnews even more essential today than it may have been in 1995}

*From the Late Founder and Editor Robert Parry😘 []

{One of my earliest memories in fact was of my dad about to leave on assignment in the early 1980s to the war zones of El Salvador, Nicaragua and Guatemala, and the heartfelt good-bye that he wished to me and my siblings. He warned us that he was going to a very dangerous place and that there was a possibility that he might not come back.

I remember asking him why he had to go, why he couldn’t just stay at home with us. He replied that it was important to go to these places and tell the truth about what was happening there. He mentioned that children my age were being killed in these wars and that somebody had to tell their stories. I remember asking, “Kids like me?” He replied, “Yes, kids just like you.”

Bob was deeply impacted by the dirty wars of Central America in the 1980s and in many ways these conflicts – and the U.S. involvement in them – came to define the rest of his life and career. With grisly stories emerging from Nicaragua (thanks partly to journalists like him), Congress passed the Boland Amendments from 1982 to 1984, which placed limits on U.S. military assistance to the contras who were attempting to overthrow the Sandinista government through a variety of terrorist tactics.

The Reagan administration immediately began exploring ways to circumvent those legal restrictions, which led to a scheme to send secret arms shipments to the revolutionary and vehemently anti-American government of Iran and divert the profits to the contras. In 1985, Bob wrote the first stories describing this operation, which later became known as the Iran-Contra Affair.}

These same issues and agendas are still at the heart of our problems in the US with the corporate media in compliance to deceive us. When will we as a collective become fully aware and grow tired of being used to support them?

{As all of us who lived through the post-9/11 era will recall, it was a challenging time all around, especially if you were someone critical of George W. Bush. The atmosphere in that period did not allow for much dissent. Those who stood up against the juggernaut for war – such as Phil Donahue at MSNBC, Chris Hedges at the New York Times, or even the Dixie Chicks – had their careers damaged and found themselves on the receiving end of death threats and hate mail.}

Many, possibly some of you reading this, lost family over these lies. Nearly 10,000 soldiers have been killed since these lies and have sacrificed their lives. Nearly 5000 alone in Iraq for a blatant manufactured war built on lies. How in the hell does this not seem to bother enough of us to finally stand up to this delusional reality they've created to selfishly murder our own? As it continues today in Afghanistan still killing innocent civilians.

{One recurring theme of articles at the website during the Obama era was the enduring effect of unchallenged narratives, how they shaped national politics and dictated government policy. Bob observed that even a supposedly left-of-center president like Obama seemed beholden to the false narratives and national mythologies dating back to the Reagan era. He pointed out that this could be at least partially attributed to the failure to establish a strong foundation for independent journalism.

In a 2010 piece called “Obama’s Fear of the Reagan Narrative,” Bob noted that Obama had defended his deal with Republicans on tax cuts for the rich because there was such a strong lingering effect of Reagan’s messaging from 30 years earlier. “He felt handcuffed by the Right’s ability to rally Americans on behalf of Reagan’s ‘government-is-the-problem’ message,” Bob wrote.

He traced Obama’s complaints about his powerlessness in the face of this dynamic to the reluctance of American progressives to invest sufficiently in media and think tanks, as conservatives had been doing for decades in waging their “the war of ideas.” As he had been arguing since the early 1990s, Bob insisted that the limits that had been placed on Obama – whether real or perceived – continued to demonstrate the power of propaganda and the need for greater investment in alternative media.}

Then Obama allowed the war hawks to push him into Syria under another manufactured war based on lies. Then interference in Ukraine. Where we became allies of fascist under the likes of Joe Biden, John Kerry, John McCain, and a slew of other representatives of ours. All of these actions to benefit corporations, the military complex, and themselves.

Robert Parry’s Legacy and the Future of Consortiumnews []

"Out Of The Illusion " Group

William_Mary 8 July 18
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"The major Western news outlets now conflate the discrete difficulties from made-up “fake news” and baseless “conspiracy theories” with responsible dissenting analyses. All get thrown into the same pot and subjected to disdain and ridicule.}"

This is probably the biggest key.


The mainstream media are essentially arms of their owners, who are part of the global elite. I believe that we have passed tipping points in global warming and the best that we can do is try to slow things down, not accelerate them.
One question that I have about Obama is why as president he did not have access to the truth about 9/11. How could he allow the continuation of the massive lies about the clean collapse of not two but three buildings, collapsing in a very professional demolition method?

He has their mentality? He knows what would happen to him or others he loves if he tried to change things? Maybe they have incriminating information and blackmail presidents? The only good president is probably a president. It's what I believe about JFK. They step out of line and show their "weakness" of having a conscience. I believe that most people that aspire to that office or positions of power usually have the same mentality as those doing all this horrible crap. The system is so corrupt that any good meaning person doesn't have a chance to acquire those positions, and if they do they're either threatened with physical harm or the harm of their loved ones, or are blackmailed.

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